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As I turned on the next burner, the pan sizzled beside me, my head bobbing as 'More Than a Feeling" blasted throughout the house. Judith sat in her high chair, her mouth stuffed with stale cheerios. Selena stood beside me, humming as she mixed the contents in the pan. Daryl had managed to score big time and found bulks of canned vegetables, something we were starting to run low on in the pantry. I had managed to make homemade flour tortillas yesterday and felt beyond excited to serve them up today. Rick, Carl, and Selena had eaten half of what I made yesterday. The familiar sound of a ball hitting the wall in another room made me smile. Judith cooed and slammed her hand down on the highchair table, a giggle escaping her mouth as her cereal bounced everywhere.

"Smells great in here," I turned and smiled at Rick as he walked into the kitchen. I turned back to the tortillas with a giant smile and flipped them, making sure not to burn them. My stomach growled as I looked at the vegetables in the pan, my mouth almost watering. Warm arms snaked around my waist, making me jump slightly. I chuckled and turned a bit, kissing Rick's cheek as he leaned down on me, looking at the food.

"Arroz," I pointed to the saucepan filled with Mexican fried rice, "Vegetable medley and tortillas," Rick grinned as he looked at all the food, his arms squeezing me.

"I helped," Selena chirped as she gave the pan of vegetables a final stir before turning the burner off. Rick reached over and squeezed her shoulder, a proud smile on his face.

"I bet it'll be delicious," He smiled. The ball hit the wall again, but this time, a crash followed. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, knowing he had broken something.

"Carl!" I called out, my voice carrying through the house.

"What? Denise says it's PT," He called back, quickly giving me his excuse. I smiled with Rick and turned off the burner I was using for the tortillas.

"Can't hear you!" I said in a sing-songy voice, "Can you come here, please?" Carl came forward, his green tennis ball in his hands. The patch over his eyes stood out like a sore thumb, but it quickly became the new normal. A month ago, he was shot by that brat, Ron. Geez, it's hard to believe that that much time has passed already. The wall was finally fixed, and it was like life remained untouched behind it.

"Yeah?" Carl asked with a sly smile across his face.

"Denise says this is PT," Selena, Rick, and I said alongside Carl with smiles.

"You heard me," Carl accused with a bright smile. I nodded and grabbed plates from the cupboard, tiptoeing slightly.

"Yes, sir," I smirked, "It's time to change your bandage," Our front door opening made me peek around the tall boy. Michonne, Jacob, and Daryl entered, barging in like this was their home. It's not like I minded, in any case. "Oh, and you need to find a replacement for whatever you broke," I poked Carl in the stomach. He nodded and held his hands in mock surrender before exiting the kitchen.

"Smells great in here!" Michonne called out, entering the kitchen with the men following behind her.

"Feel free to serve yourselves," I smiled at them, "There's more than enough for everyone." I watched as they started to serve themselves and sit at the table to eat, my heart feeling fuzzy and full. Carl returned to the kitchen and thanked Selena for serving him, sitting next to his father and shoving the arroz into his mouth. Judith squealed from her high chair, throwing some cereal in Daryl's direction.

"This is great, June," Jacob said in between mouthfuls. Selena's head shot up from her place at the table, promptly reminding everyone that she had helped me this morning.

"Tryna get us fat?" Daryl questioned, a teasing eyebrow cocked my way. I rolled my eyes and started to serve myself.

"Shut it, Dixon," I laughed in response. Hungrily, I nearly inhaled the food on my plate. It's strange; I've had a big appetite lately. I could eat, and then I'd feel hungry again an hour later. Plus, a few pounds would do me good!

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