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The embers of the fire I had built were low, and the sun started to rise in the dark sky, gracing it with its beautiful light. I reached for my can of corn and shook it, scrunching my nose at the sight of the yellowish water in it. I had no luck finding a water source yesterday, and my throat was dry with thirst. Sucking in a deep breath, I tipped the can to my lips, quickly swallowing the oddly sweet water. It wasn't much, but it was enough to soothe the dryness in my throat for the time being.

I had made the amateurish mistake yesterday and neglected to grab more cans of food and look for some water when I was still in the house, but now it was too late. I was able to put six miles between me and the cul-de-sac before calling it a day. My legs still felt sore, but I was happy it was manageable. Yesterday hurt. Every step made my knees buckle, and my muscles screamed at me, so I couldn't get as far as I wanted. The town was only two miles away, giving me the perfect opportunity to scavenge a little more.

I stomped my fire out and grabbed my bag of canned goods, ready to start my trek. I had about a three-day walk until I reached Terminus, and the food I had wouldn't last me another day, even if I rationed. I mentally checked the map I had memorized and continued walking alongside the tracks, deciding to stay off them if that group found me. Even if they found me, the woods gave me the perfect advantage. I know the woods better than them. I know that I could slip through their fingers and avoid detection.

Would I reach Terminus before those men caught up to me? Are they even chasing me? I shook my head and sighed, knowing that they were following me. As their leader, Joe, had put it—they claimed me. If they put a claim on me, they will be coming after me. Plus, I did murder two of their guys, and they seem like the type to try avenging their friends' deaths.

A growl pulled me from my thoughts, startling me. A lone walker stumbled towards me, its decayed hand reaching out. I examined it briefly before gripping the handle of my knife. It used to be a woman. Long black matted hair flowed down its back, and its dress was torn and a murky gray color—worn from the elements that mother nature threw at it. Eyes that were probably once a vibrant color were now cloudy and gray. Teeth that were once covered by lips were now exposed and brown. I wonder who she was in life. Did she have a family? Children? Was she happy before all this happened?

I frowned at the lifeless being and approached it slowly, keeping a reasonable distance from its reach. With a sigh, I kicked the walker in the chest, making it fall onto the ground with a thud. I jumped on it and plunged my knife deep into its skull. I sat up with my legs still straddling the dead being and cleaned my blade on the dirty dress, smearing dark red, almost black blood and giving it some color.

I scrambled to my feet, grabbed my bag again, and continued walking. The silence around me was maddening, and I almost wished I had left the walker alone. Who's the crazy one now? Wishing that I left a walker so I wouldn't be alone. I'm really losing my marbles. Rick and I would've made quite the pair. One had a nervous breakdown and was scared to make decisions, and the other wanted to keep man-eaters as company because she was lonely.

I wonder where he is. Is he even still alive? Or am I holding onto a pipe dream that he's safe somewhere with the kids? Tears pricked my eyes as I thought of them. Carl would be teasing Selena about something or reading comics with her – Selena would blush and push him aside whenever he said something that she deemed stupid. Rick would keep busy with his farming duties and occasionally slaughter a pig so we could have meat that day. He would check in on me throughout the day and crack some of his stupid jokes before kissing me and making suggestive comments. Daryl would roll his eyes, obviously catching the comment, and gag with Judith in his arms, making her giggle.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled, my head shaking frantically as I tried to push away the thoughts. I can't afford to be sad, not now. I need to survive and make it to Terminus, then I can shut down. Then I can mourn. I looked around and realized that I had walked much further than anticipated. A road connected to the tracks, and the trees cleared. Checking the map I had memorized, I turned towards the road and walked down it, anxious to find water and more food.

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