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"Kurt, I want you and Siddiq to finish up with the irrigation system," I told them, my eyes never lifting to meet theirs, "Gabriel, I want you, Rosita, and Aaron on the South end luring away the horde. They're too close to Alexandria, and I don't want another situation where they're inside our walls," I pointed to the North end of our gates on the blueprints we had sprawled out in front of us. Currently, we're in the middle of our unfinished meeting hall, "Jacob, I want you to take Selena and Daryl to the North end and lure any stragglers away."

"What do I do?" Michonne asked, her eyes lifting to meet mine. I smiled at her, knowing she wouldn't like what I had in store for us. Yesterday, a rider from the Kingdom came with a special letter from Carol. The Sanctuary is struggling with the lack of rain and horrible conditions to grow crops; they're in danger of losing their home.

"Actually," I started, knowing that everyone would have a qualm about this, especially since I'm growing exponentially faster than expected, "I need to ride out to the Sanctuary today, and I was hoping you'd join me." Silence ensued around us, encasing us fully and making me anxious. Mentally, I haven't been the greatest, but there's been a slight improvement since talking to Jacob almost four weeks ago.

I still miss Rick with every fiber of my being, and when I have a free moment, I find myself wandering the banks of the river, hoping to find a new sign of him. The river is extensive and covers many miles; it'll be impossible for me to track him more than five miles out, and with the progression of my pregnancy, that number shrinks. But that doesn't mean I'll stop trying. Daryl has been going out more, staying out for longer periods, and each time, he comes back empty-handed and with the same gut-wrenching news.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Daryl asked, breaking the silence. I turned to him and pursed my lips, a slight bubble of frustration in my stomach.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked with a harsh snap in my voice. Daryl's eyes peered down at my stomach and resumed their typical fierce gaze, meeting my eyes.

"You got a kid in you," Daryl answered, "Things get hairy out there and—"

"I said it all last pregnancy, and I'll say it again," I snapped, interrupting him, "I'm pregnant. Not handicapped."

"Well, last time you had Rick around," Rosita grumbled, her arms crossing in front of her chest. I tore my gaze from Daryl and let it land on the woman across from me.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, feeling both hurt and angry. When will this hurt end? Will it ever subside, or will it always be there whenever I hear his name or think about him? I swallowed thickly, shoving all my emotions aside and trying my best to don a look of nonchalance.

"All I'm saying," Rosita sighed, her lips turning downwards in a frown, "You weren't...." She trailed, making me cock a questioning eyebrow at her.

"Alone," Aaron finished for her, absentmindedly playing with his new metal extension for his stump. Thank you, Merle, for the idea, "It's been a hard few months for you, June. We don't expect you to be okay," He let his voice trail off before casting a sorry glance.

"Yeah," Daryl pressed on, "Why don't ya stay back with Thad and Judith? We'll take care of all this," I paused, seriously considering his proposition. It would be nice to stay home with them, but I can't sit around and do nothing. Sitting around all day allows me to get wrapped up in my thoughts, and I don't need that.

"Do any of you want to go to the Sanctuary?" I asked, my hands propping on my hips. No one said anything and met my gaze, "No takers? Then I'll go."

"You shouldn't be overexerting yourself," Siddiq pipped up, "You're nearly twenty weeks. You should be resting," I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

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