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Strap in and settle down -- it's a long one, folks!

We left later than I had wanted, but we managed to leave. I just hope Carl and Selena aren't worrying. Michonne was in the driver's seat this time, her eyes on the road ahead. We had to spend the night out here, but it wasn't anything we weren't used to. It's been a full day and a half since Rick and a bunch of our people left Alexandria, and I have felt every second. I need to see it—turn off the blaring alarm with each passing second and return home.

Michonne slowed, her brow furrowing deeply. I gave her a confused glance, my mouth opening to ask her what was wrong, but that's when I heard it. I shut my mouth and looked at the trees to my left, inspecting them. Music played in the distance. It wasn't loud enough to reach the Sanctuary, but it was loud. We gave each other a pointed look and nodded. Together, we climbed out of the vehicle and adjusted our weapons, ensuring they were ready if we needed to use them abruptly. I tightened my grip on my gun, leading the way into the woods.

As we walked, the music got louder and louder, signaling that we were close. A large building stood forty feet away from us, the music blaring from within. Michonne and I kept within the trees, searching the building for any signs of movement—alive and undead. Lowly, I whistled and motioned my head, walking along the treeline and keeping low. Michonne followed closely, her sword drawn and her muscles glistening with sweat. It's safe to say that we're both nervous. We're both scared, but know we must be out here.

Slowly and carefully, we walked toward the building, constantly scanning the area for walkers and people. When the music finally shut off, Michonne nudged me and motioned with her head, taking point and leading us toward the back of the building. I stuck on her heels, always aiming my gun high. Michonne pressed against the building, taking slow, silent steps forward until we found a door. The door opened easily, almost too easily. What if this is a trap? Or a new lookout, and we've walked right into their palms. Michonne glanced at me and pursed her lips, a look of concern flashing across her glistening features.

I must not be the only one thinking the same thing—she looks just as hesitant as I feel. Despite my reservations, I nodded, urging her to keep going forward. Together, we entered the building, scanning the entire area once more. It seemed to be a storage warehouse. Junk was thrown everywhere, cluttering the shelves, desks, and floor. Indistinct voices cut through Michonne and my shared silence, making my nerves wind tightly. From the sounds of it, it sounds like a woman and a man. Michonne and I ducked behind a shelf, peering through the opening to spy on the people. They were rigging up a truck, and in the bed were large speakers that could draw every walker within a hundred-mile radius towards us.

"Rick the prick and his bitch, June, they don't know shit about 'The Fat Lady' here," The woman spoke, "What's been done can be undone real quick."

"We get her singing, and it'll save our asses," The man said. I looked at Michonne and knew what we had to do. Slowly, Michonne stood up and started creeping forward, her sword held tightly between her hands. I stayed behind, my gun aimed and ready to shoot. Suddenly, they drew their weapons and pointed them in the direction Michonne had walked in. I peeked my head up, aiming the barrel of my gun at the woman's head. The woman turned, her eyes widening as we made eye contact. I ducked quickly, bullets showering over my head. Keeping low, I ran back, backtracking towards the door, my grip viselike on my gun. Somewhere in the building, I hear a fight and a painful groan reverberating off the walls.

"Leo, get your ass back to the Sanctuary!" The woman screamed. I emerged from my hiding spot and ran forward, weaving through the shelves towards the vehicle with all the large concertlike speakers. I can't let him get out of here! Racing ahead, I kept my eyes peeled for the man, determined to stop him. Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted from the back of my head, and I tumbled to the ground, a sharp hiss escaping me. Something clattered to the ground, and footfalls raced forward, the boots squeaking against the floor.

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