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I softly moaned as I felt lips connect to my neck. A smile stretched across my lips as I moved my hips, rubbing my ass against Rick's crotch. His grip on my hips tightened as he placed another kiss on my jaw. His lips turned upwards as he connected his mouth to my skin. A deep chuckle erupted from my throat, and I opened my eyes, turning around to face him. The sun shone brightly behind our shared cells' curtain, and Judith was still asleep in her playpen against the wall. We faced one another, smiles on our lips as we milked whatever moments of peace we could get before getting up for the day. I lazily slung my arm around his midsection and pressed myself closer, inhaling his scent deeply and silently begging for sleep to reclaim me.

"Can we just stay in bed all day?" I muffled, my face still pressed against his chest as I spoke. His arm pressed me closer to him, almost suffocating me as we embraced one another.

"I wish," He sighed as he started tracing small circles on my back, "I gotta tend to the garden and—"

"Mm, nope," I interrupted, my head shaking, "No shop talk when we're in bed," I felt his chest rumble as he laughed, his hand brushing away whatever hair had fallen from my ponytail. I looked up at him; my breath was almost taken away at his handsome appearance. If you had told me a year ago that Rick Grimes and I would be like this, I would've called you crazy—but here we are, completely and utterly enamored with one another – or at least... I'm enamored with him. I honestly don't know how he feels about me.

"I know what can be done in bed then," Rick smiled as he lowered his face towards me. Our lips connected softly at first, soft pecks here and there. His hands left me as he pushed us flat onto the bed, his body in between my legs as we kissed passionately. I wrapped my legs around his waist and bit his lip, desire building within me. Rough fingers slipped under my tank top and ascended upwards, sending trails of heat and shivers along my skin. I moaned as his lips left mine and trailed down my neck, his teeth biting the soft flesh. He lowered himself, his hands catching on my shorts' waistband and tugging them down as he continued his journey downwards. An excited gasp left my lips as I lifted my hips, eager for what would come next. My shorts were discarded somewhere in our cell, and his face was a mere inch away from where I desired him the most. I bit my lip and screwed my eyes shut in anticipation of what would come next when a cry ruined my excitement. I let out a disappointed sigh and turned, my eyes landing on the small blonde girl crying from her playpen. She was standing up, and her hazel eyes shut as tears flooded out of them. Rick's head shot up from between my legs, and he chuckled.

"Cockblocked by our daughter," Rick chuckled as he lifted himself off me. My heart hammered wildly as I processed his words—Our daughter? I tried my hardest to cover up how his words had affected me and cleared my throat, trying to shake it off. Rick walked over to where she was and lifted her gently, rocking her until her cries started to die. I swung my legs over the bed and reached into my pack, grabbing a clean pair of jeans and underwear.

"Since we aren't in bed anymore," I teased as I slipped them on, "I have to help Carol and Marissa with cooking and laundry today, and then I'll take care of the walker buildup by the fence. The more they build up like that, the greater the risk of the fence giving out is."

"Farming duty for me," Rick replied, his eyes on Judy as he rocked her, "Maybe slaughter one of the pigs so we can have meat tonight," I nodded and let my hair down, my eyes glued to Judith as she jerked away from Rick and extended her arms out for me. I smiled and walked over, grabbing and holding her close.

"You gonna wake Carl and Selena up?" I questioned. I could hear those two giggling and chatting away until late. Rick shook his head and changed his clothing, eyes glued to me the entire time.

"Did you hear them talking almost all night?" Rick questioned, "Better to let them sleep in today." I nodded, looked down at the nine-month-old girl in my arms, and kissed her cheek, "We're going to have to start setting up rules for them. Two fourteen-year-olds unsupervised like that? We're practically begging for something to happen."

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