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I stood back at the barn triumphantly smiling as Rick scanned the canned goods the RV had loaded. Aaron was telling the truth, and this was proof of it. Rick grabbed the nearest can and turned to look at Aaron, his eyes still full of reluctance to trust the man.

"This is ours now," Rick said, holding the can up. I huffed and rolled my eyes, my hands finding my hips. Why is he so difficult?!

"There's more than enough," Aaron replied.

"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp," Rick said, making it clear to our guest. I looked at Michonne and rolled my eyes again. We can't let this opportunity pass us by; we'd be idiots if we did!

"What do you mean?" Carl spoke for the first time, "Why wouldn't we go?"

"If he were lying or wanted to hurt us," Michonne added, looking around the group to clarify her point, "But he isn't, and he doesn't." Standing tall and united with her, I met her eyes.

"We need this. So we're going. All of us," I finished and looked at Rick, putting my foot down. The last time I checked, WE ran this group together. Us against the world; that's what we said. "Now's your chance to speak up if you have a different opinion."

"I don't know, man," Daryl muttered, his eyes on Rick, "This barn smells like horse shit," I bit my lip and repressed a smile. Rick looked at me and sighed.

"Yeah, we're going," Rick finally caved, but he didn't look too happy, "So where are we going? Where's your camp?" Aaron sat up as Rick spoke to him, his eyes full of worry.

"Well, every time I've done this, I've been behind the wheel driving recruits back." I cocked an eyebrow at him, "I believe you're good people. I've bet my life on it—I'm just not ready to bet my friends' lives just yet." I approached the man and kneeled in front of him. Just because I wanted to go to this community, it doesn't mean I'm willing to risk the lives of my family. We have to take some precautions.

"Not an option," I told him. This is the least I can do for Rick, right? "Wanna get home? You have to tell us how to get there." Rick kneeled and grabbed the map, stretching it out and pointing to our position. Aaron closed his eyes and turned to Rick, reopening them as he reluctantly spoke,

"Go north on Route 16."

"And then?" I asked, probing the man further.

"I'll tell you when we get there," I pursed my lips, slightly frustrated.

"We'll take 23 north," Rick spoke, his blue eyes landing on Aaron, "You'll give us directions from there."

"That's—I don't know how else to say it—that's a bad idea," Aaron shook his head, "We've cleared 16. It'll be faster."

"You heard the man. We take 23 north," I nodded, knowing there was no fighting Rick on this any longer. I've won this battle; it's best to let him win the next. I don't want to argue with him.

"We leave at sundown," Why are we doing this at night? I kept my mouth shut and looked at the ground. Let him have this.

"We're doing this at night?" Sasha asked, almost as if she had read my mind.

"Look, I know it's dangerous. " Rick started, his head snapping towards the group, "But it's better than riding up to the gates during the day. If it isn't safe, we need to get gone before they know we're there."

"No one is going to hurt you," Aaron interrupted, stressing his point. "You're trying to protect your group, but you're putting them in danger." Rick turned and crept closer to Aaron, staying on his level.

"Tell me where the camp is. We'll leave right now." Rick compromised, but Aaron was still keeping his mouth shut. "It's going to be a long night. Eat," Rick stood up and approached me, "Get some rest if you can." He pushed past me and exited the barn, leaving us alone in utter silence. He's not happy about this, I can tell. I shook my head and turned around, following him out.

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