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The branches crunched underneath my boots, making me hiss and gain the attention of the two walkers I was trying to sneak behind. Their rotten heads turned my way and growled, their teeth snapping once their dead eyes settled on me. I gripped the handle of my knife and gritted my teeth, readying myself. Lunging forward, I kicked the nearest one down and stomped on its head while I threw my knife at the other's head. My blade protruded from its decayed forehead, coated in the red, almost black tar-like blood. With a deep sigh, I wiped my boot on the ground, trying to wipe away the sticky blood, and approached the walker with my knife embedded in its head.

My stomach turned, the smell of the walkers finally hitting me. I had to turn my head to the side as I yanked on my knife's handle to avoid puking. I swallowed back the rising urge to throw up and peered down at the walkers, quickly dismissing them and walking away. My long, heinous search for Rick continues, but this time, someone has to accompany me.

As much as I love him, I couldn't stand to be around Jacob for a second longer. This is something I have to do—me. I get they want to help me and that they want to make sure I'm okay, but I can do this alone, and I want to. I'd been able to slip away from Jacob while he took down two walkers and have been alone for at least the past hour or so.

My stomach flipped uneasily, and my nerves peaked at an all-time high. Someone's watching me. My hand flew to my holster, where my gun was securely fastened, waiting to be used, and my eyes darted through the woods around me. Another bristling behind me made me turn around hastily; my gun pointed in the direction.

"Come out," I threatened in a firm voice, "If you're following me, then you have to be up to no good," More branches snapped, and a soft bristling came from the overbrush in front of me before someone stepped out. I rolled my eyes and dropped my gun, turning back on my heel and stomping in the other direction.

"June," I ignored Jacob's pleas to stop and kept trudging forward. "Will you just stop for a few minutes?" He snapped and ran in front of me, forcing me to come to a stop.

"What do you want?" I groaned. I know I'm being a bitch, but I need to do this alone. If I find Rick, then I want to be alone for that.

"It's not smart to wander the woods alone," He exasperated. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I know these woods like the back of my hand," I seethed, "I was out here for three weeks searching for Carl and Selena. I can protect myself. I'm not some damsel in distress!" I could feel my face heat up and my eyes sting with tears of anger. Ugh, this is one thing I did not miss at all! All these damn hormones.

"I'm not saying that you are!" Jacob hissed, "You're not in the best frame of mind, and you can get sloppy." I bit the inside of my cheek and looked at the ground, seething, "What happens when you don't come home after being out here alone? What do we tell Judith, Selena, and Thad? Mommy went out alone, and now she's gone? What would Rick say if he saw you like this?" The painful pang in my heart at his name reminded me that I was alive and grounded me. My anger dissipated, and the hurt replaced it.

Gingerly, I put a hand on the bump between my hips and frowned. I should only be somewhere near the 14-week mark, and the bump I had was already bigger than the one I had when I was pregnant with Thad. Siddiq was right when he said that every pregnancy is different.

"I know this is hard," Jacob whispered and closed the distance between us, his hand grabbing mine tightly, "Trust me, I know how this feels, but being reckless like this? It's not just you," Hesitantly, he touched my stomach warmly, caressing the bump through my shirt, "You have life growing inside of you. You have a beautiful son and two beautiful daughters. Don't put them through any more pain," My traitorous eyes spilled over, and my anger from earlier wholly dissipated. He's right. I have three kids at home that need me, and I'm out here chasing a ghost...

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