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Michonne made notes while she read from the Governments of the World book, her hand scribbling across the page quickly. I diverted my eyes back down to my Civilizations of Mesoamerica book and tried my hardest to focus. The words on the page blended, making one big discombobulated mess. Flipping the book closed, I rubbed my eyes and gave up.

"Naptime, Mommy?" Judith asked. I blinked rapidly and shook my head, a smile coming across my face as she looked at me with curious eyes.

"No," I answered, "Mommy's just tired of reading,"

"In other words," Michonne chuckled and circled the kitchen island, taking a seat next to the curious three-year-old, "Mommy's brain is fried," Judith looked at Michonne, the same curiosity in her eyes, and frowned.

"What's that mean?" Judith asked, "Mommy's brain is fried? Is she sick?" I laughed and grabbed the glass of water before me, letting Michonne explain that to her.

"No, it just means that her brain is tired," Judith turned towards me with a smile, understanding crossing her face.

"So, it is naptime?" Judith questioned again.

"Do you want it to be naptime?" I asked, "I can grab Sel and tell her that you wanna sleep with Thad,"

"No, no, no," Judith quickly answered, panic in her eyes, "I wanna stay with you and Aunt Michonne," She looked back down and started fidgeting with the shells that Cyndie brought back the last time she visited Alexandria.

"What are you making?" Michonne asked and reached over, smoothing Judith's hair back.

"I'm making bracelets for you, Selena, Mommy, and me!" Judith answered proudly, showing off the shells and string she had already managed to put together.

"What about Daddy, Jacob, and Daryl?" I asked. Judith shook her head and put her work down, looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

"They're boys!" She argued, "Boys don't wear bracelets!"

"Boys can wear bracelets," I informed her, "Especially when special little girls make them," Judith smiled at me and turned to Michonne.

"Will Kurt want one?" Michonne smiled and nodded, grabbing a few of the shells and lining them up for Judith to make the process go by quicker.

"June—" Scott came running in, his eyes landing on Judith, "Is this a good time?" I hopped off my stool and approached him with a smile.

"As good as any," I answered, "What's up."

"Maggie's here," His voice tapered off at the end. Maggie is here? Isn't she supposed to be at the bridge? Why did she decide to come now? She hasn't stepped foot inside our walls since the war ended.

"Aunt Maggie," Judith smiled up at Scott.

"One of the guys at the gate told me she just came in," Scott continued.

"What?" I asked, unable to contain the surprise out of my voice.

"You go," Michonne told me, "I'll stay here with Judith." I flashed her a thankful look and raced out of the house with Scott. There's only one reason as to why she would come to Alexandria. I raced towards the cell where we held Negan and stood outside, waiting for her to appear. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Can I stop her? Do I want to stop her? He murdered her husband, the father of her baby, and so many of our people. One was too much, but the rest? I don't think we'll ever forgive him for what he's done.

I waited patiently, trying to decide whether or not to let her murder the man. Technically, it won't be going against Carl's wishes since Rick and I aren't the ones killing him. I looked up at the sound of footsteps and frowned at the woman slowly approaching the steps. Maggie held a crowbar in her hand, and her gaze hardened once she saw me. If this is something that she wants, who am I to tell her no? Killing Negan won't bring Glenn back, but if it makes her feel better, I probably shouldn't interfere. Probably.

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