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Not having a clear destination, I leaned over the hood of Rick's car, studying the sprawled map. All we knew was that we had to get as far away from the city as possible and closer to Fort Benning. After the CDC went up in flames, we fell back on Shane's original plan, which seemed to please the man. I looked at the smaller towns, thinking we'd have a better chance of traveling through them and gathering supplies. My concentration was interrupted by a water bottle shoved in my face, forcing me to glance upwards at Daryl. I smiled at him and took the water, unscrewing the cap and taking a few sips before setting it aside.

It's been two weeks since the CDC – two weeks since Jenner and Jacqui had blown themselves up. At first, I didn't know Jacqui had stayed behind; I was too focused on getting out of there rather than ensuring everyone was accounted for. My bad, I know. But I doubt that I could've said anything to change her mind. Knowing that this is how the world is going to be now fucks with you. It makes you feel like there isn't anything worth living for. She made her choice, and I just hope she's finally at peace in the afterlife.

"Any luck?" I heard Rick call out as he approached me with Shane hot on his heels. While I figured out a place to go, they had been walking the perimeter, disposing of any walkers in the surrounding area. I shook my head as I took another sip of water and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I motioned for the men to join me and hunched over, placing my finger on our location.

"We're here." I muttered, "I think our best shot is following the highway until we find a small town. That way, we can rest, scavenge, and then make our way to Fort Benning." Rick nodded and ran his finger across the map, his eyes following the trail I pointed out on the paper.

"The further away from Atlanta, the better." Shane nodded, agreeing with me. I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, feeling my muscles scream at me as I did so. Sleeping in the cars was taking a toll on my body; everything ached, and my joints hated me more than usual. We all tried camping out in the RV, but twelve people cramped in the vehicle was hell. Sure, it's a huge recreational vehicle, but it's made to accommodate at least six! After that first night, we all decided that six should stay in the RV, one person awake to keep watch in shifts, and the rest could sleep in their respective vehicles. Bunking with Daryl in the truck has proven to be a pain in the ass, but I rather deal with these sore muscles than a tweaked neck. I rubbed my neck in memory of how much it ached after the night in the RV.

Another problem we face is how sparse gas is becoming. The RV, Shane's Jeep, Carol's Suburban, and Daryl's truck guzzles gas quicker than we can replace it. What we need to do is get rid of at least two vehicles. We can get rid of Daryl's truck, and he can ride the Harley. Shane is the only one in the Jeep, so maybe we can also get rid of that, and he can ride in the RV or with Rick.

"I think we should lose two vehicles," I said, catching Rick and Shane's attention again. Rick turned to me, his blue eyes squinting against the sun.

"Why?" He asked. I shifted my weight between my feet and looked at the two vehicles I thought we should lose.

"Too much gas wasted with the truck and Shane's Jeep." Shane nodded, understanding what I was saying and surprisingly agreeing with me. Things have been tense between us since the CDC, but we have been able to work together. But that doesn't mean I want to be left alone with him.

"She's right." Shane muttered, "I can start riding in the RV, and Daryl has that motorcycle. That bike uses up less gas than every car we have."

"So, where will you ride, June?" Rick asked. I looked at him and was ready to ask him if I could hunker down in their Chevy Suburban when Daryl cleared his throat.

"She can ride with me during the day, our stuff in the RV, and at night – she and I can crash in the RV," Daryl said. I smiled at him and nodded, liking his plan.

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