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I'm trying something new in this chapter in terms of writing! Let me know what you think!


June sprawled across the cold cement, her body burning up. Her chest rattled as she nearly coughed a lung out, and her brow was littered with sweat. She couldn't remember a time when she felt this horrible. The worst was when she came down with the flu and the stomach flu later that night, but nothing like this. She felt like every cell in her body was working on overdrive, trying its damndest to fight and losing the battle. Despite being sick and feeling like death, she couldn't help but worry about Carl, Selena, Judith, and Rick. Oh, Rick, she thought longingly as she spiraled down the tunnel that is worry.

Sasha practically crawled towards June's cell, her heart pounding with dread. When she saw June was just as sick as she was—she nearly fainted. June was one of their leaders. June was one of the first to welcome everyone from Woodbury—June was one of the people Sasha trusted the most. Sure, the two women weren't exactly the best of friends, but June had proved to be a good shoulder to cry on if needed or listen when there was a problem. Sasha made it her personal goal to ensure not only her survival but June's as well. Plus, Sasha wasn't sure if she could handle seeing Rick losing his mind—she had a glimpse of it, but from what she heard, he really lost it.

Hershel and the rest of the council gathered in the main library, their faces registering the same worried look. It was worrying enough that all of D block showed sickness symptoms, but now that June and Sasha were also sick? It made everyone feel helpless.

Daryl felt his heart hammering in his chest, but he kept his usual stoic expression, trying his hardest not to show how worried he was. He wanted to run to A block and demand to see June through the glass to make sure she was at least breathing. He was more than anxious after seeing what happened to Patrick and Charlie. Daryl couldn't help but think about Rick. If Rick already freaked out whenever June helped with the snares—how would he feel when he found out June was sick? Daryl knew it had to come from one of them in this room, and he was not looking forward to it.

Glenn blinked slowly, his head feeling hot and fuzzy—unable to concentrate on whatever Hershel said. His body shivered, and sweat cascaded down his neck and back. Glenn tried his absolute hardest to pay attention to the discussion of the murders of Karen and David. Using his heavily used torn piece of shirt, he patted his face and swallowed thickly, shaking his head slowly. This isn't good.

Michonne stood on the other end of the library. Her hands were tucked into her pockets as she heard the council speak. She hasn't been exposed since she didn't go into D block. Instead, she helped Maggie take care of the giant cluster that swarmed the fence when the gunfire started. She tried her best to look unfazed, unaffected, but she knew the worry she felt was slipping through the cracks and appearing on her face. Daryl and Michonne had cast small glances throughout the conversation, worried about their best friend. Her stomach sank when Hershel said the infected had to go through it.

"But it just kills you?" She asked, trying to keep her voice from wavering. Michonne knew that June was a strong son of a bitch, but even she couldn't fight this off alone. It had killed two people they knew of so far—there wasn't much hope in fighting it off without the help of antibiotics. Hershel turned to the warrior woman and pursed his lips.

"The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics," Michonne almost scoffed at the kind man facing her. Even she knew that the sick needed antibiotics.

"We've been through every pharmacy nearby." Daryl spat, his nerves fraying further, "and then some. There's gotta be somewhere we can hit."

"That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech. That's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drugs for animals there are the same we need." Hershel said confidently. He knew that Daryl and Michonne were panicking inside—their friend—their sister is among the sick—and he also felt that pang of fear. June has been a sweetheart to him and his family since they met. She was one of the first to volunteer when something needed to be done at the farm. When Shane violated his land and slaughtered his family—waking him up to the horrors of the world—June had effectively punched him out and protected them. Their defining moment was when they got drunk at Hatlins before Randall and his group messed everything up. She spent all her time protecting them—not only his family but the entire group—and that meant the world to Hershel.

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