Chapter 10

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When I woke up, I noticed I wasn't at the park I realized that I am at Brandon's house and laying in his bed. I sat up in bed the bedroom door opened Brandon came into the room and closed the door he climbed into bed with me. 

"What's going on?" I asked frightened. 

"It's okay your fine after I changed back you were still fast asleep, I carried you to my house because I didn't want to search for your keys. I didn't want you to wake up and think I was trying to do something to you, you did wake up a little bit you removed your shorts and t-shirt. My mom removed your keys and phone and washed up your shorts and t-shirt." Brandon explained gently. 

I laid back down in bed he laid down beside me. 

"Are your parents fine with me being here?" 


"Would you like to hang out at my house?" I asked. 

"Sure," He smiled. 

We climbed out of bed and got dressed I helped Brandon make the bed. 

"If you want to brush your teeth before we go to your house there's an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet that you can use." 

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth when I came out of the bathroom, we left the bedroom and walked downstairs. Brandon and I left his house we walked up the front steps I unlocked the front door and opened it I walked inside the house with Brandon following behind me. He closed the door behind us and locked it I turned off the lamp. I left the living room and headed for the kitchen Brandon was mixing pancake batter we heard the front door open. 

"Liv, I'm back." William called. 

"In the kitchen with Brandon." I answered. 

William came into the kitchen he seemed in a better mood than he was in last night. 

"I'm moving out I am going to stay with Nate's family until we can get a place of our own, I can't take mom and dad anymore." 

"I don't blame you for moving out because mom and dad don't support us you deserve to be happy at least Nate's family supports you." 

He left the kitchen I set the table for breakfast I sat three plates on the counter. After breakfast I helped William load his belongings into his car, he hugged me I hugged him back. 

"Liv is Brandon your boyfriend?" He asked curiously. 

"No why?" I said. 

"I noticed that Brandon looks at you with love filled eyes like he likes you more than just as a friend." 

"I mean I like him a lot but I barely know him and I might like him more than just as a friend." 

When I was finished helping William load up his car, I watched my brother climb into his car and drove away I walked up the front steps and opened the front door I walked inside the house. I closed the door behind me and locked it I walked back into the kitchen Brandon was leaning against the counter drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Are you okay?" Brandon asked concerned. 

"I'm fine," I lied. 

"Where are your parents?" 

"Staying with their snooty friends." 

"Would you like me to stay with you or would you like to stay at my house?" He suggested. 

"If my parents came home and found out that I had a guy staying with me they'd freak out." I sighed. 

I made myself another cup of coffee we left the kitchen and walked into the living room Brandon and I sat down on the couch. 

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