Chapter 35

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The next morning when I woke up, I was snuggled up beside Brandon with my head laying on his chest with his arm wrapped around me. I heard him snoring softly still fast asleep I smiled contently lying next to him. A few minutes later I felt him stirring I lifted my head from Brandon's chest he kissed me I felt my cheeks grow warm. 

"Morning beautiful." 

"Morning handsome," 

"Baby, I would like for us to mate in the winter." Brandon said, gazing at me. 

"I'm fine with that my love." I smiled. 

We got up out of bed and got dressed I put on a Jack Skellington t-shirt, black jeans, and black Converse. I brushed my hair and pulled it up in a pony tail and entered the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom Brandon was sitting on the edge of the bed tying his shoes. 

"Babe are you ready to go home?" 


I packed up my overnight bag when Brandon was finished tying his shoes, he packed up his overnight bag I unlocked the bedroom door and opened it we grabbed our bags and left the room. Brandon and I walked downstairs we put on our jackets and left the house I followed him to the car. He unlocked the doors and turned off the car alarm I opened the door to the backseat and placed my bag on the seat Brandon placed his bag on the seat. I closed the door to the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat I put on my seat belt he climbed behind the wheel and started the engine and drove away. 

"I'll make us breakfast and a cup of coffee when we get home." I said, reaching over and holding his hand. 

"You still seemed shocked that I know how to dance." Brandon teased. 

I playfully stuck my tongue out at him Brandon stopped at a red light he leaned over and kissed me. When the light turned green, he continued to drive when we arrived home Brandon parked in front of the house, he turned off the heater and killed the engine. 

"Stay here I'll come back for you." 

Brandon removed his seat belt and climbed out of the car he grabbed our overnight bags out of the backseat I watched him walk up the front steps. I removed my seat belt and waited for Brandon he walked around to the passenger side and opened my door. I stepped out of the car he closed the door and locked the doors and turned on the car alarm. Brandon scooped me up in his arms and carried me up the front steps he carried me inside the house and put me down. 

"What would you like for breakfast?" I asked. 

"Whatever you make is fine." Brandon answered. 

We removed our jackets and hung them up Brandon took my purse from me and headed upstairs I headed for the kitchen and started making breakfast. 

"Baby what would you like to do today?" 

"I wouldn't mind spending the day with you." 

Brandon set the table and turned on the coffee pot while I cooked breakfast he sat on the counter and watched me. 

"Our mating mark is a face of a wolf." I said, glancing at his neck. 

"When you bit my neck, it took everything in me not to lay you down in the grass last night and seal the deal in front of everyone." He stated huskily. 

After breakfast Brandon and I were snuggling on the couch watching TV he wrapped his arm around me I snuggled into his side.

"How did you come up with your vows?" 

"My vows came from the heart. How did you come up with your vows?" 

"My vows came from the heart as well and I wanted everyone to know how much you mean to me." 

"Are werewolves aloud to divorce like mortals?" I asked curiously. 

"If a werewolf wants a divorce they have to go before the elders and tell them why they want a divorce. Say for instance if I were abusing you, you could go before the elders and tell them that your mate is abusing you. The elders would grant the request and if children are involved the elders would grant the mother full custody of the children." Brandon explained. 

"Would the father be allowed to see the children?" 

"It's up to the elders to decide." 

I laid my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. 

"I would never want to keep our children away from you." I muttered. 

"I would never want to divorce you." Brandon said softly, laying his cheek on my head. 

We snuggled on the couch and watched TV. 

"Babe will I always have a short temper and be jealous when you are around other females?" 

"Yes, you will always have a short temper and you will always get jealous when other females are around. It's the same way when other males are around you, I feel jealous." 

Later on, that night Brandon and I were getting ready for bed we climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp and drifted off to sleep. 

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