Chapter 34

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{One Month Later}

It's the night of mine and Brandon's mating ritual we are in his bedroom at his grandparents' house getting ready for our mating ritual. 

"Baby don't wear your engagement ring." Brandon suggested. 

I slid the ring off my finger and put it back inside the box I closed the lid and put the box inside the top drawer of the dresser. I walked over to the bed and sat down Brandon walked over to the bed and sat beside me and held my hand. 

"I'm nervous." 

"I'm nervous as well." 

Brandon kissed me I laid my head on his shoulder I stared down at our hands and smiled. 

"I'm looking forward to marking you as my mate." He teased. 

"I'm looking forward to marking you as well." I giggled. 

Brandon and I rose from his bed and left the room we walked downstairs his parents and grandparents greeted us warmly. 

"Everyone is waiting outside."

His parents and grandparents headed out the backdoor Brandon and I followed behind them we made our way over to Ally. She greeted us warmly Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Brandon, I need you and Liv to stand in the center of the circle with me." Ally instructed. 

Brandon and I stood in the center of the circle with Ally he released his hold on my waist our family and friends gathered around and formed a circle. 

"I would like to welcome the friends and family of Brandon and Olivia to their mating ritual." Ally stated, greeting the guests and purified and sealed the circle. 

When the full moon rose, Ally began the ritual she called upon the all the elements and called upon the goddess of the moon. Ally placed the cord with our favorite colors along with a silver cord that represents the moon around mine and Brandon's wrist and tied it into an infinity knot. 

"I call upon the moon goddess to please bless the union of Olivia and Brandon." 

Brandon and I turned and faced each other we gazed into each other's eyes. 

"Brandon, my love for you grows every day you are the love of my life I am blessed to have you as my mate. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I said in a wobbly voice. 

"Olivia, you are the love of my life and you make me happy I never thought I would ever find my mate until our paths crossed. I can't wait to continue this journey with you as mates." Brandon beamed. 

Brandon and I leaned towards each other and bit each other on the neck a little above our shoulders. To mark each other as mates and to let other werewolves know that we are taken. Ally closed the ritual our family and friends walked away she untied the cord from around our wrists Brandon took me by the hand and led me towards the back steps. 

"Babe where are we going?" I asked confused. 

"We are going to seal the deal of our union." Brandon smirked. 

Brandon and I walked up the back steps I opened the storm door we walked inside the house he led me upstairs to his room. Brandon and I walked inside his room he closed the door behind us and locked it I removed my shoes. We stood in the middle of the bedroom kissing the kiss grew heated and passionate our hands roamed each other's bodies I felt Brandon gently squeezed my ass I felt my cheeks grow hot. We undressed each other I sat down on the bed Brandon joined me on his bed he laid down on the bed and slid on the condom I climbed on top of him and slid myself onto his hardened member. I started moving my hips back and forth Brandon guided my hips I leaned down and crushed my lips against his he broke the kiss and moved his lips to my neck and kissed the sweet spot on my neck causing me to moan softly. I heard him groaning in pleasure as I rocked my hips back and forth. I felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach as I getting closer to my release, I felt Brandon growing harder inside my entrance as he was drawing closer to his release our movements grew faster and faster. I cried out in pleasure as I reached my release Brandon moaned into my neck as he reached his release, we rode out our orgasms. The smell of sex was heavy in the air as we officially sealed our union as mates. 

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