Chapter 14

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I am standing at the kitchen sink washing up my breakfast dishes I turned off the water and dried my dishes and put them away. Brandon came into the kitchen carrying his overnight bag. 

"I'm going to head home your welcomed to hang out with me at my house." 

"Let me go grab my phone and keys." 

I left the kitchen I ran upstairs to my room I grabbed my keys and phone I walked back downstairs. Brandon and I left the house we walked next door to his house and walked up the front steps. He opened the storm door and unlocked the front door and opened it I walked inside the house with Brandon following behind me. He closed the door behind us and locked it. 

"Would you like to hang out in my room?" Brandon asked, heading for the stairs. 

"Sure," I smiled. 

Brandon and I walked upstairs to his room we walked into the room I walked over to his bed and sat down and laid back. He joined me on his bed and laid beside me Brandon wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his chest. 

"I'll introduce you to my parents." 

"Don't worry your parents won't scare me off." 

"I have a feeling they won't let me go with you to your grandparents house for story night." I sighed. 

"I'm not going without you." Brandon stated. 

"Are your parents' home?" 

"No, they went to visit my sister and her mate." 

I kissed his cheek he kissed my forehead and stroked my raven black hair. 

"I would like to meet your sister one day." I said. 

"I think you and Madelaine will get along just fine." Brandon replied softly. 

A few minutes later we heard the front door close. 

"Brandon are you home?" 

"Yeah, mom I'm upstairs with Liv." 

We heard his mother walking up the stairs she came into the room.

"Hello Lexi." I said, sitting up on the bed. 

"Hello dear." Lexi smiled. 

"Why did you want to know if I was home?" 

"There's someone here to see you both." 

Brandon's mother left the room Brandon and I left his room we walked downstairs holding hands and stepped into the living room. 

"Hello brother." a female voice said sitting on the love seat with a male holding her hand. 

"Hello sister." Brandon replied, leading us over to the couch and sat down. 

"Are you going to introduce us?" 

"Olivia this is my older sister Madelaine and her mate Jason. Madelaine, Jason this is my girlfriend, Olivia." 

Brandon and Jason left the living room I felt a little nervous sitting alone in an uncomfortable silence with Madelaine. She rose from the love seat and joined me on the couch. 

"Do you mind showing me your tattoo sleeves?" Madelaine asked. 

"No, I don't mind." I said. 

I stretched my arms out showing her my tattoos I turned my arms over and lifted the sleeves of my t-shirt so she could see all of my tattoo on my arms. 

"Are any of the tattoos meaningful?" 


"How old were you when you got your first tattoo?" She asked. 

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