Chapter 19

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The next morning when I woke up, I felt Brandon sleeping behind me with his arm draped across me. I lightly kissed his arm and stroked it I smiled contently snuggled in his embrace. I felt him stretch behind me and hug me closer against him. 


"Morning my love." 

"That's not what you said to me last night." Brandon teased. 

"How do you know what I said to you last night?" I asked, rolling over onto my side facing him. 

"Werewolves have excellent hearing that's how I heard what you said to me last night before you went to sleep." 

"Did you feel it when I kissed your head?" 

Brandon gazed at me and smirked I leaned in and kissed him. 

"I love you." He mumbled against my lips. 

"I love you too," I said onto his lips kissing him once more. 

Brandon rolled over onto his back I snuggled up beside him and laid my head on his bare chest I draped my arm across him. 

"What would you like to do today?" 

"I was thinking we could hang out on the beach." 

"I don't go in the ocean." I said. 

"Would you go in the ocean if I went in with you?" Brandon asked. 

"I'll go in the ocean with you as long as you promise not to push me into the ocean." 

"I promise not to push you into the ocean and I would never do that to you." 

Brandon and I climbed out of bed we put our bathing suits I walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom Brandon was making the bed. I grabbed the bottle of sun screen and two beach towels I put on my flip flops Brandon and I left our room and walked downstairs. 

"Where are you two off too?" William asked leaning against the entrance of the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Brandon and I are going down to the beach." I answered. 

"Mind if we all go with you?" 

"I don't mind," 

Brandon and I waited for everyone to get ready when Nate, William, Ryan, Flynn, Skylar, and Breanna came downstairs we left the house. William closed the door behind us and locked it we walked down the sidewalk towards the beach when we reached the beach William and I picked out a spot my friends, William, Brandon, and I laid our beach towels down on the sand and put on sun screen. Brandon and I walked side by side towards the water I stood frozen on the wet sand and watched him walk into the water I felt the water wash over my feet. 

"It's okay." Brandon said, standing in the water. 

"I'm scared." I confessed. 

"Liv what's the matter?" 

I looked over and saw my brother standing beside me on the wet sand. 

"I am trying to get over my fear of going into the ocean with Brandon's help." I explained. 

"Brandon won't push you into the ocean he doesn't look like the type to do that." William said gently. 

Brandon walked out of the water and held out his hand I placed my hand in his he led us into the water. 

"Thank you for helping me get over my fear." 

"You're welcome," 

Brandon led us deeper into the water I held onto him for dear life as a wave hit us. 

"It's okay baby I got you I promise." He vowed. 

I realized that Brandon wasn't going to scare or push me in the water I started to relax my hold on him he kissed my forehead. Brandon held my hand the whole time we were in the water I didn't feel afraid of the ocean anymore I felt proud of myself for getting over my fear of the water with Brandon's help. As we were playing in the ocean Brandon and I were looking at the sky towards the north and noticed it was getting cloudy. 

"We should head back looks like a thunder storm is coming." 

We made our way back to shore and walked up the sand towards our friends my brother handed Brandon and I our beach towels. I dried off and wrapped the beach towel around myself and slid my feet into my flip flops. 

"Brandon says we should head back to the beach house because it looks like a thunder storm is coming." I said. 

"I agree." William agreed, staring at the cloudy sky. 

Breanna, Flynn, Ryan, Skylar, William, Nate, Brandon, and I left the beach and walked back to the beach house when we reached the beach house, we walked up the front steps. William unlocked the front door and opened it my friends, Brandon, and I walked inside the house I closed the door behind us and locked it. Everyone headed upstairs to take a shower and change when everyone finished changing, I washed up the bathing suits and beach towels. Later on that afternoon I am sitting on the sectional drinking a glass of ice tea with Breanna and Skylar while the guys are in the basement playing video games. 

"We're glad that Brandon helped you overcome your fear of the ocean." 

"I'm thinking about talking about why I had a fear of the ocean in the first place." 

"I thought it was sweet of him to help you overcome your fear. How long have you been trying to overcome your fear?" Skylar asked curiously. 

"Since I was a kid now that I think about it, it was a stupid fear to have." I said, taking a drink of ice tea. 

Skylar and Breanna stared at me and shook their heads in disagreement. 

"Liv, you wouldn't have had that fear if your father wouldn't have pushed you from behind into the ocean."

"My grandparents were furious when I told them." 

We heard rumbles of thunder and saw flashes of lightening Breanna, Skylar, and I heard rain pinking against the windows the guys came into the living room. Brandon, Flynn, and Ryan joined us on the sectional I shared my glass of ice tea with Brandon. 

"Brandon thanks for helping my sister overcome her fear it means a lot." William stated, sitting on the carpet with Nate shuffling Uno cards. 

Later on, that night after everyone went to bed Brandon and I were snuggling on the sectional watching a boring movie. 

"I want to tell you why I am afraid of the ocean." 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." 

"When I was five years old my family and I came down to Ocean City for the summer my parents took Will and me to the beach for the day. I was standing in the sand near the water my father came up behind me and pushed me right as a wave was coming. A life guard saw the whole thing and came to my aid I was scared and shaking. When we came back to the beach house, I told my grandparents they were furious at my parents." I explained. 

"What did your mother do?" Brandon asked curiously. 

"My mother laughed and thought it was funny Will on the other hand screamed for help because he was four at the time." 

"What a sick way to scar your kids for life."

I kissed Brandon's cheek and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you ready for bed?" He asked softly. 

"Yes," I yawned. 

Brandon turned off the TV and laid the remote on the coffee table we left the living room and walked upstairs to bed.

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