Chapter 29

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When I woke up, I heard Brandon snoring softly behind me I slid out of bed without waking him. I got dressed and entered the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom Brandon was still fast asleep, I grabbed my purse and left the bedroom. I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen I left a note telling Brandon where I was going, I walked out the backdoor and closed the door behind me and locked it. I walked down the back steps and I walked over to my bus I unlocked the driver side door and opened it I climbed inside the bus I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I turned on the A/C. I slowly backed out of the driveway and drove away when I arrived at Skylar and Breanna's house, I parked in front of the house I turned off the A/C and killed the engine. I removed my seat belt and grabbed my purse I exited the bus I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door Skylar answered the door and stepped to the side I walked inside the house. 

"Where's Brandon?" 

"He was still asleep when I left don't worry, I left him a note telling him where I was going." 

"How are you?" Skylar asked. 

"I'm fine I came to tell you that Brandon transformed me into a werewolf." I said. 

Skylar just stared at me in complete silence I knew something was bothering her. 

"Sky what's the matter?" 

"I had a fight with Ryan we both said things that we didn't mean." 

Skylar broke down and cried I wrapped my arms around her and comforted my best friend. 

"I'm going to lose Ryan and it's all my fault." She sobbed. 

"You're not going to lose him I promise you two will work things out." I vowed. 

Skylar and I entered the kitchen we sat down at the bar. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"Ryan told me that he's not looking to get married but he wants children one day. I told Ryan that I want to get married and have kids one day but I am not having kids unless we are married. That's when we started arguing and said things that we didn't mean." 

"Where is Ryan?" I asked curiously. 

"He went to Nate's." Skylar answered, wiping away tears. 

We heard the front door open and saw Ryan enter the kitchen he joined us at the bar. 

"I should get going before Brandon wakes up." 

"Thanks for stopping by." 

I exited the kitchen and left the house I climbed back inside the bus I started the engine and turned on the A/C. I drove away when I arrived home, I parked the bus in the driveway I turned off the A/C and killed the engine. I removed my seat belt I grabbed my purse and exited the bus I locked the doors and turned on the car alarm. I walked up the back steps I unlocked the backdoor and opened it I walked inside the house. I closed the door behind me and locked it I exited the kitchen and returned my purse to mine and Brandon's room I grabbed my cellphone out of my purse and left the room. I walked downstairs and entered the living room Brandon is sitting on the recliner I walked over to the recliner I leaned down and kissed him. 

"My hunky mate." I smiled. 

"My beautiful mate." Brandon smirked. 

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me I snuggled into his embrace Brandon playfully nipped my earlobe causing me to giggle. He buried his face in my neck and breathed in my scent I felt my cheeks get heated. 

"Where did you sneak off to?" 

"I went to see Skylar and she told me about the fight that her and Ryan had." 

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