Chapter 18

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The next evening everyone is gathered out on the deck waiting for the fireworks to start I felt Brandon snake his strong arms around my waist I leaned back against his chest. 

"Will the noise from the fireworks bother your ears?" I asked. 

"I'll be fine," Brandon said, holding me closer against him. 

A few minutes later the fireworks started we watched the fireworks as I was watching the fireworks, I didn't feel Brandon's arms around me anymore. I opened the sliding glass door and walked inside the house I slid the door over behind me I left the kitchen and walked upstairs searching for him. I walked down the hall and opened the door to mine and Brandon's room and stepped inside the room and saw him on the floor transforming into a werewolf. I closed the door softly behind me I stayed where I was because I didn't want to freak him out, I was afraid to touch Brandon while he was transforming. When he was finished transforming into a werewolf I walked towards Brandon and sat beside him on the carpet I stroked the soft black fur on his head I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head. He licked my cheek and laid his head in my lap I smiled down at him. 

"I love you." 

"I love you, too." 

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned. 

"I'm fine." Brandon answered. 

"Would you like me to sleep on the floor with you?" 

"I'll be fine until I transform back into a human." 

I continued to pet Brandon he seemed at ease with me petting him. 

"Do you need anything before I go to bed?" I offered. 

"Can you please leave me out underwear and pajama bottoms." He said embarrassed. 

"I'll leave you out underwear and pajama bottoms." 

Brandon lifted his head from my lap I walked over to the dresser against the wall and opened the second drawer I took out Brandon underwear and pajama bottoms I placed them on the dresser and closed the drawer. I heard the bedroom door open I turned around and saw Skylar standing in the doorway. 

"Liv everything okay?" Skylar asked. 

"Yeah, Brandon transformed into a werewolf I was keeping him company." I responded. 

"We got worried when we didn't see you and Brandon outside with us anymore." 

"Liv go hang out with your friends and brother I'll be fine." 

I left the room with Skylar we walked downstairs and entered the living room.

"Where's Brandon?" Flynn asked worried. 

"He's upstairs Brandon is okay he transformed into a werewolf." I said. 

"You could have stayed with him we understand." 

"He sent me down here to hang out with everyone," 

My friends, William, and I sat on the carpet and played Uno while snaking on chips and drinking iced tea. 

"Brandon doesn't have to stay upstairs all alone he can join us down here." Breanna suggested, laying down a draw four card down on the carpet. 

"I'm not sure if it takes a lot out of him when he transforms into a werewolf." I replied, drawing four cards from the deck. 

Later on, that night everyone went upstairs to bed I walked down the hall and entered mine and Brandon's room. I closed the door softly behind me I noticed he was fast asleep on the carpet I knelt down and kissed his head. 

"Sweet dreams my handsome werewolf." 

I climbed to my feet and walked over to the bed I crawled into bed and covered myself up I reached over and turned off the lamp I drifted off to sleep. 

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