Chapter 17

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The next morning Brandon and I were loading up the bus Ryan and Flynn walked over to us. 

"Liv, Nate and Will aren't going with us." Flynn said. 

"Did they get called into work?" I asked. 

"No after Brandon carried you upstairs to bed last night Sky and Bre were joking around with Nate and Will and the jokes they made went too far. Flynn and I told them to stop before someone's feelings get hurt, they didn't listen and jokes hurt our brother and Will." 

"I'm not doing this trip without including Nate and Will." 

Flynn pulled out his cellphone and handed it to me I called Nate. 

"Hello?" Nate answered. 

"Nate it's Liv your brothers just told me and Brandon what happened last night I would still like for you and Will to go on the trip with us. I will make sure that Skylar and Breanna apologize to you both I promise." I vowed. 

"We'll come back for the trip." 

Nate ended the call I touched end on the phone I handed Flynn back his phone. 

"Nate and Will are joining us." I smiled. 

"We'll make sure the girls apologize." Ryan and Flynn stated. 

Brandon and I finished loading up the bus I closed the trunk and walked up the back steps I opened the backdoor and walked inside the house. I closed the door behind me Skylar and Breanna were standing by the bar talking I tried not to let my anger show. 

"What did you two say when you were joking with Will and Nate?" 

"We were making jokes about being gay." 

"Why would you two think making homophobic jokes would be funny you hurt their feelings I just called Nate and invited him and my brother back to rejoin our trip. No more making homophobic or homosexual jokes during the trip?!" I shouted furiously. 

I walked back out the backdoor I spotted Brandon, Ryan, and Flynn talking to Nate and William. I walked down the back steps and walked over to them. 

"Where are Bre and Sky?" 

"In the kitchen I just went off on them and said no more homophobic or homosexual jokes during the trip." 

Nate and William headed inside the house I leaned against the side of the bus Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Liv are you bringing any books?" Ryan teased. 

"You know I have to bring a few books in case it rains." I giggled. 

William, Nate, Breanna, and Skylar walked out the backdoor and walked towards Brandon, Ryan, Flynn, and I. 

"Let's hit the road!" 

"Not until we know that you two apologized to our brother and Will." 

"We apologized to Will and Nate they excepted our apology." Breanna explained. 

Brandon and I climbed inside the bus I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I turned on the A/C. Brandon and I put on our seat belts Skylar and Ryan climbed inside the backseat and put on their seat belts. I backed out of the driveway I followed behind Nate's SUV we stopped at the Shell station on Fleet Street to get gas. After we left the gas station Nate and I continued on our way. 

"Baby can I look through your CD's?" 

"I don't mind." 

I followed Nate onto the highway and headed for the tunnel I drove through the tunnel. 

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