Chapter 42

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The following morning Brandon and I left his parents' house we climbed inside the car and put on our seat belts he started the engine and turned on the heater. I glanced over at Lilith she's sleeping in her car seat Brandon drove away. I knew Brandon was still pissed at me for getting out of bed last night when Lilith woke up crying. When we arrived home Brandon parked in front of the house, he turned off the heater and killed the engine I removed my seat belt and climbed out of the backseat I grabbed Lilith's car seat. I closed the door to the backseat I walked up the front steps with Brandon following behind me he unlocked the front door and opened it. I walked inside the house I walked upstairs and entered Lilith's room I sat the car seat and diaper bag on the floor I unzipped my coat I heard Brandon coming up the stairs he came into the room and took my coat. 

"I'm going for a run." Brandon stated, leaving the room. 

I unbuckled Lilith from her car seat I removed her blanket and unzipped her coat and removed it I picked Lilith up and held her. I walked downstairs and hung-up Lilith's coat I walked into the living room I made my way over to the recliner and sat down I gently rocked Lilith. 

"Your daddy is mad at me because I refused to stay in bed and rest." I said. 

A few minutes later I saw Brandon come into the house he closed the door and locked it he headed upstairs. Lilith woke up crying I rose from the recliner and carried her upstairs to her room I walked into the room. I laid Lilith on her changing table and changed her diaper I threw away the diaper when I was finished changing Lilith, I picked her up and walked back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and made Lilith a bottle when her bottle was ready, I returned to the living room I sat down in the recliner and fed Lilith her bottle. She gazed up at me while she drank her bottle Brandon came into the living room with a burp cloth, he walked over to the recliner he draped the burp cloth over my shoulder and walked away. When I was finished feeding Lilith and burping her, I held Lilith in my arms and rocked her she fell asleep. I got up out of the recliner and laid her down in the bassinet I left the living room and searched for Brandon, I peeked into the kitchen he was sitting at the table I entered the kitchen and walked over to the table I pulled out a chair and sat across from him. 

"Babe what's the matter you seem distant?" 

"It's nothing," 

"I know that something is bothering you." I said, reaching over and holding his hand. 

"Do you trust me to look after Lilith?" Brandon blurted. 

"Yes, I trust you to look after Lilith." 

"Then if you trust me to look after our daughter then why didn't you listen and stay in bed like you were supposed to and rest?"

"Here's a thing put yourself in my shoes and have everyone hovering around you because you just pushed out a baby. And then tell me that you won't hate the attention after a while but you just deal with it because you don't want to be rude." I stated matter of factly.

I released his hand and rose from the table I stormed out of the kitchen I walked into the living room and sat down in the recliner I turned on the TV and watched TV. Brandon came into the living room he walked over to the recliner and scooped me up in his arms he sat down in the recliner and sat me on his lap. 

"Liv, your right I didn't put myself in your shoes because I wasn't the one that gave birth. I can see how having everyone hovering around you would get on your nerves and I wasn't helping either by telling you to stay in bed and rest. While I looked after Lilith and I don't blame you for getting up with her last night when she wanted a bottle." 

"I understand that I just had my first child but I didn't need all that attention I felt like I wasn't fit to be a mother." 

Brandon kissed my cheek I laid my head on his chest and snuggled in his embrace. 

"You're not an unfit mother you're a great mother next time we have a baby I will make sure that you are given space. And I will also make sure that everyone is not hovering around you because I don't want you to doubt yourself as a mother. I promise not to overreact like I did with Lilith because becoming a father was all new to me." He stated, lightly stroking my arm. 

"I love you." I smiled. 

I lifted my head from his chest and kissed him, he playfully nipped my bottom lip. 

"My parents said that some werewolf babies will age fast until they reach the age of a toddler and then continue to age like a normal mortal child." 

"Thanks for the heads up." 

Lilith woke up crying I climbed off his lap I walked over to the bassinet and picked up Lilith, I walked over to the couch and sat down. Brandon joined me on the couch she was looking at him.

"Our little angel has you wrapped around her finger." I giggled. 

"I don't mind one bit." Brandon smiled. 

Later on, that night I am sitting in the rocking chair rocking Lilith to sleep I heard Brandon coming up the stairs he came into the room. 

"I was wondering where you went." 

"I'm rocking Lilith to sleep," 

I glanced down at Lilith, she was sound asleep I rose from the rocking chair and walked over to the crib. I gently laid Lilith down in her crib I kissed her forehead Brandon walked over to the crib he leaned down and kissed her forehead. I turned off the lamp we left the room. 

"Can I take a beautiful girl to bed?" He asked. 

"Yes, you may," I blushed. 

Brandon and I made our way to our bedroom we walked into the room and made our way over to the bed. Brandon and I climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp he snuggled up behind me and draped his arm across me we drifted off to sleep. 

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