Chapter 45

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The next day I decided to take Lilith to see my father and stepmother when I arrived at my father's house. I parked the bus in front of the house I turned off the heat and killed the engine I removed my seat belt and grabbed my purse. I climbed out of the bus I slid the door over I unbuckled Lilith and picked her up I grabbed the diaper bag and slid the door over. I locked the doors I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door my stepmother Rosalie answered the door. 

"Liv come inside where it's warm." 

I walked inside the house I put Lilith down I sat my purse and diaper bag on the floor I unzipped my coat and removed it Rosalie took my coat. I knelt down and unzipped Lilith's coat I helped her out of her coat Rosalie took Lilith's coat and left the living room. 

"Hello Liv and who's the little girl with you?" my father asked, entering the living room. 

"Dad this is your granddaughter Lilith." I said, climbing to my feet picking Lilith up and placing her on my hip. 

"Lilith looks just like you and Brandon." 

"She has Brandon wrapped around her finger." 

Lilith wanted to go to my father I handed her to him and left the living room I entered the kitchen. 

"Where's Brandon?" Rosalie asked, placing two cookie sheets inside the oven and closing the door. 

"He's at work." I answered. 

"How do you like being a mother?" 

"I love being a mother and I love being a wife. How are Megan and Isabella?" 

I still couldn't get over how much peaceful and loving my father and Rosalie's house feels whenever I visit them. 

"The girls are doing good they are at school right now." She said. 

"Maybe one week-end if it's okay with you and dad my sisters can spend the week-end with Brandon and me." I suggested. 

"I think they would love that." 

My father came into the kitchen holding Lilith, he walked over to me and handed me my daughter. 

"Lilith would you like something to drink?" Rosalie asked. 

"Yes please." Lilith responded. 

"What would you like to drink?" 

"Apple juice," 

Rosalie poured Lilith a cup of apple juice and handed her the sippy cup. 

"Thank you, grandmom." Lilith smiled. 

"You're welcome, sweetie." She replied. 

Rosalie checked on the cookies and took out the cookie sheets and placed them on top of the stove. 

"Liv when the cookies cool down is it alright if I send some home with Lilith?" 

"I don't mind," 

Lilith wanted to get down I put her down she left the kitchen. 

"You and Brandon have a beautiful daughter." Rosalie stated. 

"Thank you," I smiled. 

Lilith came back into the kitchen she handed Rosalie her empty sippy cup. 

"Mommy, I have to go potty." 

I left the kitchen with Lilith and took her upstairs to the bathroom when she was finished going to the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands I helped Lilith wash and dry her hands I dried my hands we left the bathroom and walked back downstairs. Lilith and I returned to the kitchen. 

"Grandmom, granddad I went to the potty!" Lilith exclaimed. 

"We are so proud of you." my father and Rosalie beamed. 

"Lilith are you ready to go home and wait for daddy?" 


We left the kitchen I grabbed Lilith's coat I knelt down and helped her put on her coat. I zipped up her coat and pulled up the hood I climbed to my feet I grabbed my coat. I put on my coat and zipped it up I grabbed my purse. 

"Liv go put Lilith in the bus I'll grab the diaper bag for you." Rosalie offered. 

I left the house with Lilith we walked down to the bus I unlocked the doors and slid the backseat door over. I picked her up and placed her in her car seat I buckled Lilith in Rosalie handed me the diaper bag I sat the diaper bag on the floor I slid the door closed. 

"Here's a tin of chocolate chip cookies for you, Brandon, and Lilith." 

"Thank you," 

Rachel handed me the tin of cookies I hugged her she returned the hug I climbed behind the wheel I sat my purse and tin on the passenger seat. I put on my seat belt I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I reached over and turned on the heater I drove away. When we arrived home, I parked in the driveway I turned off the heater and killed the engine. I removed my seat belt I grabbed my purse and tin of cookies I climbed out of the bus and closed my door. I slid the backseat door over I unbuckled Lilith and helped her out of the bus. 

"Daddy!" Lilith exclaimed. 

I glanced over and spotted Brandon walking down the back steps I grabbed the diaper bag and slid the door closed. I locked the doors and turned on the car alarm I made my way over to Brandon we walked up the back steps. I followed him inside the house I closed the door behind us and locked it. 

"Honey hand me the diaper bag." 

I handed Brandon the diaper bag I sat the tin on the counter and left the kitchen I unzipped my coat and took it off I hung up my coat. Lilith handed me her coat I hung it up and put my purse away we walked into the living room. Lilith and I sat down on the couch I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on the TV. We were watching Disney Junior; Brandon came into the living room he joined us on the couch. 

"Daddy, I used the big girl potty for the first time!" Lilith stated excited. 

"I am so proud of you, sweetheart." Brandon smiled. 

Later on, that night Brandon, Lilith, and I were sitting on the couch watching Nick Jr. she crawled onto Brandon's lap and laid her head on his chest. He kissed Lilith's head she was starting to nod off. 

"Babe, Lilith is sound asleep." 

"I'll take her up to bed," 

He rose from the couch and left the living room I changed Nick Jr. and put on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Brandon came back into the living room and sat beside me on the couch. 

"How was your day?" I asked. 

"It was good," Brandon answered. 

He turned off the TV and took me by the hand Brandon and I left the living room we made our way down into the basement. We felt the full moon rising Brandon and I transformed into werewolves I laid down on the floor he laid down on the floor beside me I drifted off to sleep. 

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