Chapter 9

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The next morning, I left my house and walked next door I knocked on the storm door Brandon opened the inside door and greeted me with warm smile. I opened the storm door and walked inside the house he closed the door and locked it. 

"Did you have breakfast?" 

"No, I left as soon as I got up because my mother is throwing a hissy fit because she didn't make the cut to become a Ravens cheerleader." 

"You're more than welcome to have breakfast with me." Brandon offered, heading for the kitchen.

I followed him into the kitchen I walked over to the table and sat down. 

"Your parents are very nice." 

"Thank you. What would you like to drink?" 

"Coffee please." I answered. 

He poured me a cup of coffee and placed it in front of me along with the sugar and coffee creamer. I made my coffee the way I like it I rose from the table I put the sugar bowl back on the counter and returned the coffee creamer to the fridge. 

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Whatever you make is fine." 

Brandon made bacon and eggs for breakfast when breakfast was ready, he sat our plates on the table and joined me at the table we ate breakfast. When we were finished eating, I helped Brandon with the dishes he washed and rinsed the dishes while I dried the dishes and put them away. After the dishes were put away Brandon and I left the kitchen we entered the living room and sat down on the couch. 

"I have something to tell you." Brandon said nervously. 

"Okay." I replied. 

"My family and I are werewolves I'm not allowed to tell people but I trust you so I know that you will protect my secret." 

"Am I aloud to tell my brother so he doesn't freak out in case he should see you as a werewolf?" 

"You can tell Will, Breanna, and Skylar but they have to promise not to tell anyone else." Brandon explained. 

"I will tell them not to tell anyone else your secret I promise." I vowed. 

Brandon and I hung out on the couch and watched TV. Later on, that day we saw his parents return home from work. 

"Hello Olivia." 

"Hi. Lexi and Justin." 

"We were just talking to your parents and introduced ourselves to them your parents aren't very friendly." Lexi said. 

"I'm sorry about my parents being rude towards you my parents are snotty people they don't care about people that aren't like them. My brother William and I are nothing like our parents." I apologized. 

"Your parents didn't say you have a brother." 

"They are embarrassed to admit that my brother is gay I accept my brother and support him." 

I said good-bye to Brandon and his parents I left the house and returned to my house I walked up the front steps and opened the front door I closed the door behind me and locked it. I saw my parents yelling at William, I felt protective of my brother. 

"What is going on?!" 

"Liv, mom and dad are trying to send me to a church camp." 

"When will you two stop trying to push religion on us." I stated, staring at my parents coldly. 

"You and Will used to attend church when you tow were younger." my mother stated, raising her eyebrow at me for raising my voice. 

I was going to stand my ground against my parents because I wasn't going to let them send my brother to a stupid church camp. 

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