Chapter 26

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The next morning when I woke up, I climbed to my feet and got dressed I brushed my hair and pulled it up in a pony tail. I entered the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom I quietly un-barricaded the door and unlocked it I opened the door and left the bedroom. I quietly made my way downstairs and peeked into the living room and saw Brandon sound asleep on the couch I walked over to the couch I leaned down and kissed his cheek. He was starting to stir Brandon stretched and looked at me half asleep and smiled. 

"Come lay with me beautiful." 

I climbed on Brandon and laid my head on his chest he kissed my forehead and stroked my arm. 

"I love you," Brandon stated matter of factly. 

"I love you, too." I smiled. 

"We need to discuss what happened last night." 

"I'd rather forget about last night but your right we need to discuss what happened last night." 

We laid on the couch in a comfortable silence I couldn't stop the thoughts running through my head that Brandon is going to leave I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind. 

"Liv, last night was all my fault I shouldn't have said that to you I am really sorry for being a jerk towards you." Brandon said, stroking my hair. 

"Please don't leave me." I croaked, fighting back tears. 

"I'm not leaving you baby and we're not breaking up because I'm not leaving my mate you understand me and aren't afraid of me." 

"I was afraid of you last night after I punched you because I thought you were going to attack me." 

I wiped away my tears Brandon comforted me he kissed my head. 

"The wolf in me wanted to attack you but I controlled myself because I would never forgive myself if I hurt you like that." Brandon explained. 

"I'm sorry that I punched you last night." I apologized. 

"I deserved it because you told me to let go of you and I refused." 

I lifted my head from his chest and kissed him. 

"Let's go eat breakfast." I suggested. 

"I'm comfortable laying here with my beautiful mate." Brandon smirked. 

"You're such a flirt." 

I kissed Brandon and climbed off him I left the living room and entered the kitchen I grabbed a box of blueberry pancake mix out of the cupboard and grabbed a pack of bacon out of the fridge. I grabbed a mixing bowl from under the sink and placed it on the counter. 

"Baby, I would like to make breakfast for you." He said, entering the kitchen. 

"I'll let you cook breakfast." I smiled, turning on the coffee pot. 

I grabbed two plates out of the cupboard and placed them on the counter I opened a drawer and grabbed silverware from the drawer and closed it I grabbed two napkins and set the table for breakfast. 

"Babe, I have a feeling that we will be in bed early tonight." 

"I think so too," 

When the coffee pot was done, I walked over to the cupboard I opened the cupboard door and grabbed two coffee mugs I closed the cupboard door. I sat the mugs on the counter and made the coffee I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the coffee creamer out of the fridge. I poured the coffee creamer into our coffees and added the sugar I returned the coffee creamer to the fridge and stirred the coffees. 

"Where would you like your coffee?" I asked. 

"You can sit my mug on the table." Brandon answered. 

I picked up the mugs and carried them over to the table I sat the mugs on the table when breakfast was ready Brandon and I sat down at the table and ate breakfast. After breakfast I washed up the dishes, I dried the dishes and put them away. I dumped out the dishwater and cleaned out the dishpan I dried my hands on the dishtowel and hung it up. I left the kitchen and entered the living room I walked over to the couch and sat down Brandon came into the living room he joined me on the couch. 

"I turn into a werewolf tonight." 

"I'll keep you company." 

"Thank you, beautiful." He smiled, wrapping his arm around me. 

"My handsome werewolf." I blushed, laying my head on his chest. 

"Would you like to go for a run with me?" 

"I would love too." 

Brandon and I got up off the couch we left the house he locked the door behind us Brandon and I walked down the front steps. We ran around the neighborhood I'm not a fan of running I walked around the neighborhood while he ran. 

"Why don't you run?" Brandon asked, walking beside me. 

"I don't run and to be honest I think exercising is pointless before you think about judging me imagine having health nuts for parents that want you to be vegan like them. I'll stick with food that I want to eat." 

"Your parents would force you to go to the gym?" 

"Yeah, I would be forced to go to the gym attend yoga classes I understand exercise is good for you but I hate being forced to do it. My mother used to tell me that I was fat when I would eat a cupcake or cookie every now and then. After that I stopped caring about how I looked because looks or size don't matter. I guess that's the price I pay being the daughter of a homecoming queen that's all my mother cares about is looking young after Will was born my mother hired a personal trainer. To help her get the body she had in high school I always thought she was vain because my mother always wants to look young and youthful it's like she doesn't want to embrace ageing." I explained. 

Brandon and I walked back home we walked up the front steps he unlocked the front door and opened it I walked inside the house with Brandon following behind me he closed the door behind us and locked it. 

"Would you like to join me in the shower?" 

"I would love too." 

Brandon and I walked upstairs to our room and took a shower when we were finished taking a shower and getting dressed. Brandon and I walked downstairs and entered the living room we sat down on the couch and watched TV. Later on, that night Brandon and I walked down into the basement I sat down on the last step he sat in the middle of the basement floor. 

"Babe when you would you like to transform me into a werewolf?" I asked, curiously. 

"I could do it tonight I can either scratch or bite you." Brandon explained. 

"Whichever one you feel more comfortable with." 

I rose from the bottom step I walked towards Brandon and sat down on the floor. 

"Once you become a werewolf, we can have our mating ritual." He said. 

"I can't wait to have our mating ritual." I smiled. 

A few minutes later I witnessed Brandon transform into a werewolf he licked my cheek and scratched my arm with his claws. I winced in pain when he scratched me, I clenched my teeth together so I wouldn't scream I was afraid to climb to my feet my arm was hurting. Brandon could tell I was in pain from the scratch he laid down beside me I leaned back against his side I stayed by his side all night. 

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