Chapter 21

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I am sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when Brandon entered the kitchen his hair is mused from sleep. He walked over to the bar and kissed my cheeks and went to make himself breakfast Brandon joined me at the bar with his breakfast. 

"How would you like to go to my grandparents' house?" 

"I would love too." 

When I was finished eating, I took my bowl to the sink I washed up my bowl and spoon I dried my dishes and put them away. I left the kitchen and walked upstairs and got dressed I brushed my hair and pulled up my long raven black hair in a pony tail. I headed for the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom Brandon was making the bed. 

"When are we going to your grandparents house?" I asked. 

"We'll leave after I get dressed." Brandon answered. 

When Brandon was finished making the bed I walked over to the bed and sat down I put on my black Converse. 

"Babe will your grandparents be able to answer any questions that I have?" 

"Yes, my grandparents will be able to answer your questions better than what I can because you are my first relationship." 

I got up off the bed and grabbed my purse I walked downstairs and entered the living room I turned off the TV and sat the remote on the coffee table. Brandon came into the living room I rose from the couch and grabbed my purse. 

"Is it alright if we take my car?" He asked. 

"I don't mind." I answered. 

We left the house I closed the door behind us and locked it I followed Brandon down the front steps and walked towards his car Brandon unlocked the doors. He opened the passenger door and held it open I climbed inside the car he closed the door behind me and walked around to the driver's side. I put on my seat belt Brandon climbed behind the wheel he started the engine and pulled away from the curb and drove away. 

"You can turn on the A/C if you want." 

I reached over and turned on the A/C I leaned over and kissed his cheek. 

"Is it uncommon for a werewolf to fall in love with another werewolf?" I asked curiously. 

"I'm not sure because my mother was mortal when she met my father." Brandon said, stopping at a red light when the light changed, he continued driving. 

When we arrived at his grandparents' house Brandon parked in the driveway and turned off the A/C and killed the engine we removed our seat belts and exited the car. Brandon and I walked up the front steps he opened the storm door I walked inside the house with him following behind me. 

"Are you two hungry?" 

"No thank you, gram we already ate." 

Brandon and I walked over to the love seat and sat down he wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"What brings you two here?" Rachel smiled warmly, sitting down on the couch. 

"I was hoping that you would be able to answer any questions that Liv may have." Brandon said. 

"You two came to the right place." 

"Is it uncommon for a werewolf to fall in love for a mortal?" 

I could sense that Brandon was nervous I snuggled into his side. 

"It's not uncommon it doesn't happen all the time my son fell in love with a human." Rachel explained. 

"Can Brandon and I ever have children one day?" I asked casually. 

"Yes, you two can have children one day." 

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