Chapter 25

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The next morning when I woke up Brandon was sound asleep beside me, I kissed his cheek and started palming him through his pajama bottoms he was starting to stir. Brandon stared at me with lust filled eyes I felt my cheeks grow warm. 

"Would you like me to stop?" 


I heard him groan with pleasure he leaned in and kissed me passionately I kissed him with the same amount of passion Brandon broke the kiss and pulled away. He lifted my tank top over my head and slid down my sleep shorts and removed them I pulled down Brandon's pajama bottoms and removed them. Brandon kissed my neck and found the sweet spot on my neck I felt a wetness beginning to form between my legs he kissed his way down to my chest. Brandon kissed my chest and sucked my right nipple into his mouth while rolling my left nipple between his fingers my body felt heated and begging for release. He gave the same attention to my other nipple I watched Brandon reach over for a condom he tore the foil and slid on the condom. He pulled me on top of him and helped me slid myself on his member I started moving my hips back and forth Brandon helped guide my hips I leaned down and kissed him passionately. 

"I love you." Brandon mumbled against my lips. 

"I love you, too." I said onto his lips. 

I felt Brandon's hands roam my body he kissed my neck and playfully nipped my neck I gazed into his lust filled eyes and felt my cheeks get heated. I felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach as I was drawing closer to my release, I could tell Brandon was getting closer to his release I felt him growing harder inside me. I reached my release he followed soon after we rode out our orgasms, I kissed Brandon and laid my head on his chest he kissed my forehead and rubbed my back. The smell of sex was heavy in the air our breathing was uneven and ragged. 

"That was amazing." 

"I second that we just had mind blowing sex." 

Brandon stroked my hair I smiled contently he pulled out of my entrance I crawled off him and climbed off the bed I headed for the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I got dressed I brushed my hair and pulled it up in a pony tail. 

"Babe are you getting up?" I smiled. 

"Yeah, I'm getting up." Brandon answered. 

I left the room and walked downstairs I entered the kitchen I decided to make bacon and egg sandwiches for breakfast. I was in the middle of cooking the bacon I felt Brandon snake his arms around my waist. 

"I'll cook the bacon for you." 

I let him cook the bacon while I started cooking the eggs. 

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked, cooking the eggs. 

"Nothing really." He replied. 

When breakfast was ready Brandon and I sat down at the bar and ate breakfast together I felt his knee lightly touching mine I felt my cheeks grow warm. After breakfast we hung out in the living room watching TV Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist. I could tell that he wasn't his usual self like he was thinking about something. 

"What are you thinking about?" 

"I'm thinking about how did I get so lucky to have you for a mate." 

"Don't werewolves' mate for life?" I asked curiously. 

"Yes, and when a mate dies, we don't find another mate." Brandon explained. 

I kissed Brandon's cheek and laid my head on his chest he kissed my forehead and held my hand. 

"When we have children one day and I give birth will you be by my side?" 

"Of course, because I'm not leaving your side and I want to be there for the birth of our child." 

"I'm never leaving your side." Brandon vowed. 

"I am never leaving your side either." I stated. 

We snuggled on the couch and watched TV. Later on, that afternoon I was sitting at my desk in mine and Brandon's room when I heard him enter the room. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I am checking the calendar to see when the next full moons are." 

"When are the next full moons?" He asked curiously. 

"The next full moons are August 3rd, September 2nd, October 1st, October 31st, November 30th, December 29th." I said. 

Brandon sat down on the bed I got up from the desk I walked over to the bed and sat beside him. 

"I need to go talk to my dad or granddad about the heat cycle that I will go through in the winter." 

"Would you like me to go with you?" 

"I'll be fine." Brandon replied. 

We left our room and walked downstairs Brandon and I entered the living room he kissed me and left the house. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote off the coffee table I turned on the radio stations on DirecTV I was listening to rock music. I grabbed my book off the coffee table and started reading twilight. Later on that day I heard the front door unlock I glanced up from my book and saw Brandon enter the house he closed the door and locked it. He walked over to the recliner and sat down I placed my book marker inside my book and closed it I laid my book on the couch I got up off the couch and walked over to Brandon. 

"What's the matter with my mate?" I asked concerned. 

"I went to talk to my dad about the heat cycle." Brandon sighed. 

"What did your dad say?" 

"My dad told me the heat cycle isn't that bad he said that my hormones will be running wild and that I will want to mate with you." 

Brandon snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. 

"I told you there was nothing to worry about the heat cycle just means that you will be a really horny werewolf." I teased. 

"I should have just listened to you in the first place once you become a werewolf you will go through a heat cycle as well." He said. 

Brandon leaned in and kissed me we smiled against each other's lips he rocked us in the recliner and kissed my forehead I smiled contently snuggling with Brandon. Later on, that night Brandon and I were snuggling on the couch watching Adult Swim. 

"Babe is everything okay?" 

"I'm fine just thinking." 

"About what?" I asked casually. 

"I don't know if I am ready to let you be like me." Brandon said. 

"So is what you're saying is that you don't want me to be a werewolf you can find yourself another mate because it's not me!!" 

I felt like I've been slapped in the face I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes I got up off the couch. I went to walk away Brandon grabbed me by the wrist and spun me so I was facing him. 

"Let me go of me!!" I shouted in a wobbly voice. 

"Please let me explain." He pleaded gently. 

"You said enough now let go of me!!" 

Brandon refused to let go of my wrist I tried to wriggle free he had a strong grip on my wrist I did the one thing that I didn't want to do I punched him. Brandon released his grip on my wrist he stared at me like he was going to attack I ran out of the living room and raced up the stairs. I ran into mine and Brandon's room I closed the door and locked it I barricaded the door. 

"Liv open the door right now!!" Brandon bellowed. 

"Leave me alone I hate you!!" I screamed. 

I sat down on the carpet and hugged my knees to my chest and cried I rested my forehead against my knees. It grew quiet out in the hallway I was afraid to come out of the room I stayed in the bedroom with the door locked and barricaded I laid down on the carpet and cried myself to sleep. 

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