Chapter 15

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The next morning when I woke up, I was snuggled up beside Brandon with my head resting on his chest. I lifted my head from his chest and kissed him Brandon was starting to stir he kissed me we smiled against each other's lips.

"I love you." 

"I love you, too."

I laid my head back down on his chest Brandon lightly ran his hand up and down my back. 

"I'm sorry that my parents won't accept our relationship." I said. 

"I don't care that your parent's don't like me all I care about is you." Brandon stated. 

"At least your parents accept our relationship." 

"My parents and grandparents already treat you like a member of the family." 

I kissed Brandon and climbed out of bed I got dressed and entered the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom Brandon was making the bed. 

"Babe, I'm going over to the Sanders house and see my brother." I said. 

"Be safe and I'll see you when you come home." He smiled. 

I grabbed my phone and purse I left the bedroom and headed downstairs I entered the kitchen and walked out the backdoor. I thought about walking but it's really cloudy like it could pour down rain any minute. I walked over to the bus and unlocked my door I climbed behind the wheel. I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I backed out of the driveway and drove to the Sander's house. When I arrived at the Sander's house on South Baylist Street I parked across the street and killed the engine. I removed my seat belt and grabbed my purse and climbed out of the bus I walked across the street and walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. Nate opened the door he greeted me I walked inside the house. 

"Hi. Nate is Will around?" I asked. 

"He's in the shower." Nate said. 

"I'm really sorry for the way my parents are treating you and Will." 

"It's not your fault." 

A few minutes later William came downstairs he walked over to me and hugged me I returned his hug. 

"I moved out Brandon and I moved into grandmom and granddad's house." I said. 

"I'm happy for you." William beamed. 

"Mom and dad refused to accept my relationship with Brandon when I introduced him to them yesterday." 

"Mom and dad shouldn't have had children." 

My brother made a good point about that. 

"I agree because they don't like it that we didn't turn out like them." I sighed. 

"Nate and I are going to see our aunts and uncles." He replied. 

William, Nate, and I left the house I walked across the street I climbed back inside the bus I put the key into the ignition and started the engine. I pulled away from the curb and drove away when I arrived at Skylar and Breanna's house on Fait Avenue. I parked in front of the house and killed the engine I removed my seat belt and grabbed my purse and climbed out of the bus. I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door Skylar opened the door and greeted me I walked inside the house. 

"Sky, I no longer live with my parents Brandon and I moved into my grandparents' house yesterday." 

"Let me guess your parents don't accept your relationship with Brandon." 

I looked at Skylar and nodded. 

"I don't understand what they have against Brandon for he's very well-mannered and a gentleman." Skylar sighed annoyed. 

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