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{Four Years Later} 

I am sitting in the kitchen using my laptop finishing up my story to send in as a freelance writer while Raven and Marie are napping. When I was finished my story I sent in the story and shut down my laptop and put it away I heard Marie crying I walked into the living room I made my way over to the bassinet and picked her up. 

"It's okay sweetie mommy's here." I said gently. 

Someone was knocking at the door I answered the door Skylar and Breanna came into the house with their kids. Raven was standing up in her pack in play Breanna picked her up and put her down Raven played with Isabelle, Emmett, Onyx, Rosalie, and Vanessa. Skylar, Breanna, and I left the living room we entered the kitchen I made Marie a bottle and fed her. 

"Bre, Onyx looks like you." 

"Flynn says the same thing Emmett is a spitting image of Flynn and Isabelle looks like both of us." 

"Jasper is the same way he looks a lot like Ryan." Skylar said, holding him on her lap.

"Marie looks Brandon and me." I replied. 

"The girls have Brandon's russet skin tone, your raven hair, both of your brown eyes and the girls have both of yours and Brandon's facial features." 

Later on, that day after my friends left, I heard the front door open. 

"We're home." Brandon called. 

"In the kitchen." I answered. 

Brandon and Lilith came into the kitchen he walked over to me and kissed me Marie wanted Brandon. He lifted her out of my arms and held her. 

"Lilith how was school?" 

"It was good," 

"Honey go relax I'll start dinner." He offered. 

"I'll do it you worked all day." I pointed out. 

"You worked as well and took care of two little ones." 

I knew better than to argue with Brandon because I was going to lose, I left the kitchen with the girls. Later on, that night after Brandon and I tucked the girls into bed we entered our room and climbed into bed. I reached over and turned off the lamp I snuggled up beside Brandon, he wrapped his arm around me. 

"My hunky mate." I smiled. 

"My beautiful mate." Brandon smirked. 

I kissed Brandon and laid my head on his chest we drifted off to sleep. 

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