Chapter 43

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A few weeks later Brandon and I invited my friends and brother over to meet Lilith. 

"Liv, Lilith looks just like you and Brandon." Breanna smiled. 

"Lilith has Brandon wrapped around her little finger." I giggled. 

Lilith was getting fussy I gave her, her pacifier. 

"Liv, can I hold my niece?" 


I laid Lilith in William's arms he smiled down at his niece Skylar walked over to me and hugged me I returned her hug and smiled. 

"How are you enjoying motherhood?" Skylar asked. 

"I love being a mother and Brandon helps out with Lilith as well." I replied. 

"We feel bad that our mom wanted you to sell your grandmothers recipes to run a bakery." 

"My grandmother only baked for the holidays and special occasions her recipes are special to me. I enjoy sharing them with friends and family." 

"That's the part our mom wasn't understanding our father told her to stop trying to get you to open a bakery." Breanna explained. 

"Thanks for helping." I smiled. 

I felt Brandon snake his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. 

"Skylar, Breanna I know that you two are worried about Liv not having a job I will make sure that Liv and Lilith have everything that they need." 

"You are a very caring and loving husband Liv is lucky to have you." 

My friends walked away Brandon hugged me to his side. 

"My friends are right I am lucky to have you." I stated matter of factly. 

"I am lucky to have you as well." Brandon said. 

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, Brandon leaned down and kissed me William and Nate walked over to us holding Lilith. 

"Liv, Nate and I would like your permission to get married." 

"I give you my blessing and full support to get married." 

My brother laid my sleeping daughter in Brandon's arms I hugged William and Nate they returned my hug. Ryan and Flynn made their way over to us they hugged me I returned Ryan and Flynn's hug. 

"Congrats!" Ryan and Flynn exclaimed. 

"Thank you, Flynn and Ryan." I smiled. 

"Liv, Nate and I have to be married in order to adopt." 

"You and Nate will be great parents." 

After my friends and Will left Brandon and I relaxed with Lilith, I glanced over at Lilith she's sound asleep in her father's arms. I leaned over and kissed Brandon he playfully nipped my bottom lip. 

"I'm going to start dinner." I said. 

I got up off the couch and left the living room I entered the kitchen I got everything out for dinner. I was in the middle of cooking pork chops when I heard Lilith crying Brandon came into the kitchen. 

"Honey our daughter is teething." 

"I think Lilith might be one of the werewolf babies that will age fast until they reach the age of a toddler and then continue to grow and age at a normal rate." 

"I'm calling my father for help." 

Brandon called his father I left the kitchen and entered the living room I walked over to the bassinet and picked Lilith up. I held her and gently rocked her in my arms she calmed down. I left the living room and returned to the kitchen Brandon was tending to dinner I walked over to the table and pulled out my chair I sat down at the table holding Lilith. 

"What did your dad say?" I asked. 

"My dad said that Lilith will stop growing when she reaches a toddler and she will continue to age at a normal rate." Brandon explained, flipping the pork chops. 

"Would you like me to finish up dinner?" 

"I'll do it." 

When dinner was ready Brandon dished up dinner, he sat our plates on the table and joined me at the table we ate dinner. When I was finished eating, I fed Lilith her bottle I got up from the table and left the kitchen. I entered the living room I walked over to the recliner and sat down Brandon came into the living room he sat down on the couch. I climbed to my feet and joined Brandon on the couch Lilith was looking at him, he looked at her and smiled. 

"Somebody wants her daddy." I teased. 

"I'll take my little princess." Brandon said. 

When I was finished feeding Lilith, I handed her off to Brandon we watched TV. Later on, that night after I got Lilith off to sleep, I walked downstairs and entered the living room. I joined Brandon on the couch we watched TV as we were watching TV, he kissed my cheek and moved his lips to my neck and found the sweet spot on my neck. Brandon kissed my neck and nibbled it I felt a wetness forming between my legs he slid his hand down my pajama pants. I felt him slid a finger inside my entrance I reached over and palmed him through his pajama bottoms. 

"You're so wet for me." He smirked, adding another finger inside my entrance. 

"You are very hard." I blushed. 

He pumped his fingers in and out of my core I grind myself against his fingers he removed his fingers from my core and pulled his hand out my pajama pants. I rose to my feet and left the living room I walked upstairs and entered mine and Brandon's room. I pulled down my pajama pants and lifted my tank top over my head I left my clothes on the floor and climbed into bed. Brandon came into the room he closed the door and made his way over to the bed he removed his pajama bottoms and climbed into bed. 

"Did you want to continue?" 


Brandon reached over and grabbed a condom he tore the foil and took out the condom and slid it onto his hard member he laid down in bed. I climbed on top of him and slid Brandon's member inside my core I reached over and turned off the lamp. I started moving my hips back and forth Brandon guided my hips I leaned down and kissed him passionately he kissed me with the same amount of passion. 

"Are you okay?" Brandon asked huskily. 

"I'm fine," I panted. 

He gently rolled us over I gazed up at him and smiled he wrapped my legs around his waist. Brandon's movements were fast I moved my hips in time with his I felt a knot beginning to form in the pit of my stomach as my release was drawing close, I felt Brandon growing harder inside my core as he was getting close to his release. 

"Babe, I'm close." 

"I'm close too," 

We reached our release at the same time and rode out our orgasms Brandon kissed my forehead and gently pulled out of my core. 

"Would you like to join me in the shower?" He smirked. 

"Yes," I smiled. 

Brandon climbed off the bed he scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the bathroom. When we came out of the bathroom Brandon and I put our pajamas back on and climbed into bed we drifted off to sleep. 

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