Chapter 28

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The next morning when I woke up, I was snuggled up behind Brandon with my arm draped across him. I felt Brandon stretch he rolled over facing me I kissed him. 

"Morning babe." 

"Morning baby." 

Brandon kissed me I playfully nipped his bottom lip he looked at me and smirked. 

"I love you." Brandon smiled. 

"I love you, too." I blushed. 

He draped his arm across me I snuggled into his embrace. 

"Would you like breakfast in bed?" 

"I'd rather have breakfast in the kitchen." 

Brandon and I climbed out of bed we left our room and walked downstairs we entered the kitchen I walked over to the counter and turned on the coffee pot. 

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked. 

"Nothing much." He replied. 

"I need to find a job." 

"I can go to work with my parents until you find something." 

Brandon and I made ourselves waffles in the toaster we sat down at the table and ate breakfast together. 

"It's not your job to support me we are supposed to support each other." I said, taking a bite of my waffle. 

"Honey there's nothing to be ashamed of." Brandon replied. 

Later on, that morning I am sitting on the couch reading Brandon came into living room he joined me on the couch and kissed my cheek. 

"What book are you reading?" 

"I am reading Dracula." 

"Is it a good book?" Brandon asked curiously. 

"Yeah, you're more than welcome to read it when I'm done." I said, turning the page in my book. 

I snuggled into Brandon's side and continued reading. 

"Are you almost towards the end?" 


He watched TV and let me read my book in peace. Later on, that evening after dinner Brandon and I took a walk around the neighborhood holding hands. 

"Would you like to go home?" He asked. 

"Yes," I said. 

Brandon and I walked back home we walked up the front steps he unlocked the front door and opened it. I walked inside the house with Brandon following behind me he closed the door behind us and locked it. We walked upstairs to take a shower when Brandon and I came out of the bathroom we left our room and walked downstairs. Brandon and I entered the living room we sat down on the couch and watched TV. 

"Are you nervous about the mating ritual?" 

"Yes, because I don't want everyone watching when we bite each other on the neck." 

"At least no one will be around when we mate." I teased trying to lighten the mood. 

"That's a good thing because I don't want an audience while I'm mating with you." Brandon replied. 

"Will anyone know when we are about to mate?" 

He glanced down at me and nodded. 

"How?" I asked curiously. 

"While we are in wolf form we'll nuzzle, play bite, and rub against each other you and I will sneak away for two weeks and mate as humans because it's more enjoyable." He smirked. 

I giggled and snuggled with Brandon he kissed my forehead. Later on, that night Brandon went upstairs to bed I sat on the couch and finished reading Dracula. When I was finished reading, I returned my book marker to my book and closed it I laid the book on the coffee table. I turned off the lamp I rose from the couch and walked upstairs to bed. I entered mine and Brandon's room I noticed he was in bed sound asleep and that he left the lamp on for me. I felt my heart melt that Brandon left the lamp on so I wouldn't trip in the darkness I walked over to the bed and climbed into bed. I reached over and turned off the lamp I snuggled up behind Brandon and draped my arm across him and drifted off to sleep. 

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