Chapter 37

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A few weeks later I was glancing at the calendar and noticed that my period is late I heard Brandon moving around in the bathroom. I entered the bathroom he was wrapping a towel around his waist. 

"Babe my period is late." 

"There are pregnancy tests under the sink."

"Will a mortal pregnancy test work since I am a werewolf?" I asked. 

"The pregnancy test will work even though you are a werewolf. I will even stay in here with you while you take test and wait for the results." Brandon said.

He kept his promise to me and stayed in the bathroom with me while I used the pregnancy test and waited for the results. I glanced down at the test it showed that I'm pregnant I showed the test to Brandon he looked at me with tears of joy.

"I'm going to be a father!" 

"I'm going to be a mother!" 

I left the bathroom and sat down on the bed when Brandon was finished getting dressed, he sat beside me on the bed. 

"Baby, I think we should stay with my parents or grandparents until our son or daughter is born." Brandon suggested. 

"Can we stay with your parents." I replied. 

We got up off the bed and packed our overnight bags for three months Brandon and I left our room and walked downstairs. We put on our coats I grabbed my purse Brandon and I left the house and climbed inside the car we put on our seat belts he started the engine and drove away. 

"Babe we don't have anything for the baby." 

"Don't worry my love I'll take care of it I promise." 

When we arrived at Brandon's parents' house he parked behind his father's car and killed the engine. Brandon and I removed our seat belts I grabbed my purse we climbed out of the car he grabbed our overnight bags out of the backseat. Brandon and I walked up the front steps he opened the storm door and unlocked the front door and opened it we walked inside the house. 

"Mom, dad are you home?" Brandon called. 

"We're in the kitchen." Lexi answered. 

Brandon and I entered the kitchen his parents greeted us warmly. 

"Mom, dad you are going to be grandparents." 

"You and Liv are staying here until after the baby is born you two can stay in your room." 

"Thanks mom." He smiled. 

We left the kitchen and walked upstairs to Brandon's room we walked into the room. Brandon and I removed our coats and unpacked our overnight bags when I was finished unpacking, I sat down on the bed he sat beside me. 

"I will be your side the whole three months that you are pregnant." 

"I have a strong feeling that we're having a girl." 

"I don't care if all we have are girls, I'm fine with that." He stated, wrapping his arm around me. 

Later on that day Brandon and I took a walk around the neighborhood holding hands. 

"Babe are my friends and Will aloud to know that I'm pregnant?" 

"Of course, because they will be our son or daughters' aunts and uncles." 

We walked back to his parents' house Brandon and I walked up the front steps he opened the storm door and opened the front door we walked inside the house. Brandon closed the door behind us and locked it we removed our coats and hung them up. I entered the kitchen Lexi and Justin greeted me with a smile I walked towards the table. 

"Brandon is excited about becoming a father and vowed not to leave my side." I said, sitting down at the table. 

"He's finally getting a family of his own." Lexi smiled. 

Brandon came into the kitchen he walked over to the table and sat down. 

"Mom, Liv has a strong feeling that we're having a girl." 

"A mother knows what they are having I knew that your sister was going to be a girl and I knew that you were going to be a boy." 

Brandon reached over and held my hand he kissed the back of my hand I felt my cheeks grow warm. We left the kitchen and entered the living room Brandon and I sat down on the couch and watched TV.

"I will get our house ready for the little one." Brandon said. 

"I can't wait to meet our little girl." I smiled. 

He wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his chest Brandon kissed my forehead his parents joined us in the living room. 

"Brandon, your mother and I were talking and we would like you to work with us at the Baltimore Museum Of Art." 

"I'll do it," 

I suddenly felt worthless because I can't help support my family, I lifted my head from Brandon's chest. I rose from the couch and left the living room I walked upstairs and entered Brandon's room I sat down on the bed. He came into the room and closed the door Brandon walked over to the bed and knelt down in front of me. 

"What's the matter?" Brandon asked worried. 

"I feel worthless because I'm pregnant and I have no job to support our family." I said in a wobbly voice. 

"Baby, I will support our family everything will be okay." 

"I trust you," 

Later on, that night Brandon and I were getting ready for bed we climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp. He slid up behind me and draped his arm across me. 

"I love you," I smiled. 

"I love you, too." Brandon whispered into my ear. 

We drifted off to sleep.  

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