Chapter 11

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The next morning, I am sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when I saw Brandon enter the kitchen. 

"I'm looking forward to hanging out with your friends." 

"I have a feeling they want to see my aunts which I don't have a problem with." 

"If we go see your aunts you can introduce me as your friend, neighbor, or boyfriend." Brandon said, pouring milk into his cereal and returning the milk to the fridge. 

"Does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" I teased. 

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 


Brandon joined me at the table when I was finished eating, I took my bowl to the sink and washed it up. I heard someone knocking at the door I left the kitchen and answered the door Breanna and Skylar were standing on the door step I let my friends inside the house. 

"Liv can we please visit your aunts?" Skylar asked. 

"Yes," I said, closing the door and locking it. 

When Brandon was finished eating, I ran upstairs to my room I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. I unzipped my purse and pulled out my keys, Brandon, Skylar, Breanna, and I walked into the kitchen we walked out the backdoor. I closed the door behind us and locked it I walked down the back steps I walked over to the bus and unlocked the doors. I walked around to the driver's side and climbed behind the wheel I put the key into the ignition and started the engine I turned on the A/C. I gently back out of the parking pad and drove away. 

"Liv, can we listen to the mix CD your grandparents made?" 


I stopped at a red light I went looking for the CD, I reached over and opened the glove compartment and pulled out the CD case. 

"Liv would you like me to put the CD in?" Brandon offered, closing the glove compartment. 

"Yes please." I said, continuing to drive. 

Brandon took the CD case from me he opened the case and took out the CD he put the CD into the player and hit play. The Platters started playing through the speakers I turned it up a little. 

"Liv, your grandparents had good taste in music." 

"Thank you, my grandparents, only put their favorite songs from the fifties and sixties on the CD." 

"Your grandparents were bad asses." Breanna teased. 

"Yeah, they were." I giggled. 

When we arrived at my aunt's house, I parked the bus in front of the house I turned off the A/C and stopped the CD. I killed the engine and grabbed my purse we removed our seat belts and climbed out of the bus. Breanna, Skylar, Brandon, and I walked up to the house we stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. My aunt Esmeralda opened the door she greeted us warmly and let us inside the house. 

"Hi aunt Esmeralda." 

"Hello Liv, it's good to see you, Bre, and Sky." 

"I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Brandon." I smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you, Brandon." aunt Esmeralda said. 

"It's nice to meet you too." 

Brandon shook hands with my aunt. 

"Make yourselves at home." She smiled. 

Brandon and I sat down on the love seat Breanna and Skylar sat down on the couch and aunt Esmeralda sat down in the recliner. 

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