Chapter 30

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A few weeks later the detective returned to talk to me about developments in my parents' case. 

"Ms. Oldford, our investigation shows that your parents' deaths were in fact murder suicide it seems your mother claimed that your father was having an affair with his secretary when he wasn't. Your mother wrote out a plan to kill your father she didn't tell you or Will because she knew you two would call the police and turn her in. Your mother wrote in her diary that she overheard your father having a sexual conversation on the phone with his secretary she also claims that he would return from business trips smelling of sex and that he got his secretary pregnant.

"Detective, I have met my father's secretary plenty of times she's twenty years old and married my father has always been faithful to my mother. Whenever he returns from a business trip, he would always bring my mother a gift my mother is a jealous woman she always thought my father was cheating." 

The detective handed me a diary entry I noticed it was my mother's handwriting I read the entry out loud. 

April 25, 2019  

Dear Diary,

Gerald doesn't know that I've been sleeping with his best friend Spencer when he goes away on business. Gerald doesn't know that Olivia isn't his daughter Spencer is Olivia's father he has no idea that he has a daughter. Olivia looks so much like Spencer. 

"My mother has been living a double life?" I said. 

"She wrote all about it in her diaries I was able to contact your father he wants to meet you." The detective stated. 

"I would like to meet my father." 

"I will call your father." 

The detective pulled out his phone and called my father I felt nervous about meeting my father. 

"Your father is on his way." The detective said. 

"Thank you for your help detective." I stated. 

I walked the detective to the front door he left the house I closed the door and locked it. I returned to the kitchen I made myself a cup of coffee I felt Brandon snake his arms around my waist I leaned back against his chest he kissed my cheek. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm nervous about meeting my birth father."

I turned around in Brandon's arms he leaned down and kissed me we heard someone knocking at the door. I broke out of his embrace and left the kitchen I entered the living room and answered the door. 

"I am looking for Olivia Oldford." a gentleman said. 

"I'm Olivia Oldford." I answered, stepping to the side. 

The gentleman came into the house I closed the door behind him and locked it. 

"I'm your father Spencer Valentine, your mother never told me that I had a daughter I didn't find out about you until a detective showed up at my house and told me about your mother." 

"Did my mother ever let you see me?" 

Spencer shook his head I felt bad for him because he never saw me grow up. 

"I'm sorry that my mother kept me hidden from you." I apologized. 

"You look so much like me." Spencer stated. 

I sat down on the couch my father sat down in the recliner. 

"I don't blame you if you hate me for not finding out about you sooner." 

"I don't hate you I'm angry at my mother for keeping me hidden from you because my fake father was an asshole towards me. My fake father and mother wanted me to be snooty like them I never did they wanted me to get back together with my ex-boyfriend because he was a jock and my future with him would be perfect. They didn't care that he cheated on me." 

"I wouldn't have asked you to get back together with your ex-boyfriend." my father said. 

"How did you meet my mother?" I asked curiously. 

"I met your mother at a bar we got to talking she told me that her husband left her. One thing led to another and we slept together I loved your mother but she loved me and her husband. When she became pregnant with you, she stopped seeing me after you were born, she came back to see me and told me that I had to wear a condom when we would have sex. One day your mother told me the truth that her husband never left her and that they have two children together. I was furious at your mother I told her that I never wanted to see her again she left and never returned I moved on with my life and married the love of my life." 

Brandon came into the living room he walked over to the couch and sat beside me he wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Brandon." I smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you, Brandon." my father said. 

"It's nice to meet you too, sir." 

Later on, that night after my father left Brandon and I were snuggling on the couch watching TV I lifted my head from his chest and kissed him. 

"What do you think of your birth father?" 

"He's very nice." 

He stroked my hair I draped my arm across him he kissed my forehead. 

"Are you sleepy?" Brandon asked. 

"A little," I mumbled. 

Brandon turned off the TV we got up off the couch and left the living room Brandon and I walked upstairs to bed.

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