Chapter 22

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The following afternoon I met up with Breanna and Skylar for lunch at Nacho Mama's near Canton Square on O' Donald Street we are eating outside since it's a beautiful sunny day. 

"How are you and Brandon?" 

"We're fine Brandon took me to his grandparents' house yesterday and his grandmother answered my questions." 

"Will you two be able to have children?" Skylar asked, taking a bite of her burger. 

"Yeah, we can have children but that can't happen until after I become a werewolf." I said softly, taking a sip of coke. 

After lunch we paid the bill and left Nacho Mama's Skylar, Breanna, and I walked around Canton. 

"Has your mom found us a job?" I asked. 

"Not yet she was going to make some phone calls." Skylar said. 

"Flynn and Ryan are still pissed at us about the jokes that we made to Will and Nate." 

"Didn't you two apologize to Will and Nate?" 

"Yeah, and they excepted our apology but to our boyfriends it wasn't good enough." Breanna sighed. 

"You two should try talking to Ryan and Flynn about it." I suggested. 

We walked back to my house when Skylar, Breanna, and I arrived back at mine and Brandon's house. The girls hugged me I returned their hugs Breanna and Skylar walked across the street I watched my friends climb inside their car and watched them safely drive away. I walked up the front steps and unlocked the door and opened it I walked inside the house I closed the door behind me and locked it. I walked upstairs to mine and Brandon's room I put my purse away and walked back downstairs as I was walking down the last two steps, I heard the front door being unlocked. I walked over to the door and opened it Brandon leaned down and kissed me he came into the house and closed the door and locked it. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't join you, Skylar, and Breanna for lunch." 

"It's okay." 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and gazed fondly up at him. 

"Breanna and Skylar told me that Ryan and Flynn are still pissed at them for the jokes they said to Nate and Will." I said.

 "Skylar and Breanna apologized to both Will and Nate for the jokes that they both made Nate and Will accepted their apology." Brandon stated matter of factly.

I kissed Brandon and broke out of his embrace I sat down on the couch Brandon sat beside me I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on the TV. 

"How can you love me knowing what I am?" 

"When I look at you, I only see a person I don't see a werewolf because you have thoughts and feelings like everyone else." 

"Weren't you afraid when you first saw me as a werewolf?" He asked curiously. 

"I was at first but I told myself that you wouldn't hurt me and I was right you didn't harm me I was more concerned about your safety than my own. Because I felt safe with you and I had a strong feeling that you would protect me from harm." I stated matter of factly. 

"You are exactly right I would risk my life to protect you because no one is going to lay a hand on my mate and get away with it." 

Later on, that evening Brandon and I are walking around the neighborhood holding hands as the sun was starting to set. We walked back home Brandon and I walked up the front steps he unlocked the door and opened it I walked inside the house Brandon followed behind me he closed the door and locked it. I walked upstairs to mine and Brandon's room I entered the room and headed for the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I left the bedroom and walked downstairs I entered the living room. I walked over to the couch and sat down I was channel surfing when Brandon came into the living room his hair was damp from his shower. He walked over to the couch and joined me. 

"Anything good on TV?" Brandon asked wrapping his arm around me. 

"Not really," I sighed snuggling into his side. 

I handed him the remote he turned off the TV and laid the remote on the end table. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I was thinking we could enjoy each other's company." 

"Sound lovely." I smiled laying my head on his chest. 

Brandon kissed my forehead and stroked my nearly dried hair. 

"I'm still worried about the heating cycle that I'll go through in the winter."

"Babe just relax everything will be okay it just means that you'll want sex a lot and you'll be an extremely horny werewolf. I see you taking a lot of cold showers for a week." I teased. 

Later on, that night Brandon and I climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp I felt him slide up behind me and draped his arm across me I kissed his arm and snuggled in Brandon's embrace. 

"I love you." 

"I love you, too." 

I slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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