Chapter 31

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The next day Brandon and I invited Skylar, Ryan, Breanna, Flynn, Nate, and William over for lunch. We are all gathered in the kitchen talking and laughing and having a good time. 

"There's something that I need to share with you all." I announced. 

"What do you need to share with us?" Nate asked. 

"I am not Gerald Oldford's daughter and Will is only my half-brother my birth father is Spencer Valentine. My mother used to visit Spencer when my fake father would go away on business Spencer got my mother pregnant with me, she never told him. One day she told him the truth that her husband never left her my father told my mother that he never wanted to see her again. My father moved on with his life and married the love of his life." 

"Liv, you're still my sister no matter what." 

My friends were in shock about my mother's huge secret I felt great-full that William still considered me his sister.

"Did dad ever find out?" William asked curiously. 

"No mom never told him that I wasn't his daughter." I answered. 

Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me against his side. 

"Liv who is planning your parent's funeral?" Breanna asked. 

"My mom's sisters are planning the funeral I don't know if I'm attending the funeral." I replied. 

"Liv, we won't force you to go to the funeral." 

"I still can't believe that your mother was living a double life." 

"I can't believe it either and my father was hurt that my mother lied to him in the beginning." I said. 

After lunch we all sat down at the table and played Go Fish. 

"I am angry at mom for never telling you the truth." 

"I don't know why mom never told me the truth." 

"Please attend mom and dad's funeral." William suggested. 

"I don't want to attend the funeral." I replied, laying my card down on the table. 

"Brandon please tell Liv to attend our parent's funeral." 

"Will, I can't force your sister to attend the funeral." 

My brother rose from the table and left the kitchen Nate rose from the table and followed him. 

"We understand why you don't want to go to the funeral." Flynn said, laying down a card on the table. 

"I know that I should pay my respects to my parents but I never got along with them and I'm not going to act like I care when I don't." I sighed. 

We all played another round of Go Fish. 

"I would like to invite you all to mine and Brandon's mating ritual in October." 

"What's a mating ritual?" 

"It's a werewolf version of a wedding except Liv and I don't kiss during the ritual. We will bite each other on the neck to let other werewolves know that we are mated." 

"Sounds kinky," Skylar giggled, blushing. 

"We will attend the mating ritual." Ryan stated. 

Later on that afternoon after my friends and brother left Brandon and I were relaxing on the couch he laid his head on my shoulder and breathed in my scent. 

"You smell amazing." 

"Thank you," 

"I want to buy you an engagement ring to let the mortals know that you are happily taken." Brandon smirked. 

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