Chapter 13

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The next morning when I woke up, I felt Brandon sleeping behind me I rolled over facing him I leaned in and kissed his cheek. 


"Morning to you as well." 

"What time did you come to bed?" I asked. 

"I woke up at six and I wasn't a werewolf I left the basement and crawled into bed with you." Brandon said. 

He rolled over onto his back and wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his bare chest. 

"What would you like to do today?" 

"I was thinking about taking you to visit my grandparents." 

"Where do your grandparents live?" I asked curiously. 

"Baltimore County." Brandon answered. 

"Where at in Baltimore County?" 

"Dundalk, they live on the street behind the shopping center where Wise supper market is." 

Brandon and I climbed out of bed we got dressed I walked into the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom. I sat down on the bed and put on my black converse I got up off the bed and made my bed I grabbed my purse and phone I left the room and walked downstairs. I waited for Brandon to come downstairs I unzipped my purse and dug out my keys I zipped up my purse. I put my phone in the front pocket of my shorts Brandon came downstairs. 

"Ready to go?" I asked. 

"Yeah." He smiled. 

My cellphone was ringing I pulled out my phone from my left pocket and answered it. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Liv, I need you to go grocery shopping for me." my mother demanded. 

"How am I going to pay for groceries?" 

"Take the credit card off my dresser and I'll text you the shopping list." 

I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket I ran upstairs to my parent's room and grabbed the credit card off the dresser. I placed the card inside my wallet and walked downstairs. Brandon and I entered the kitchen we walked out the back door I closed the door behind us and locked it I walked down the steps. I unlocked the doors we climbed inside the bus Brandon and I put on our seat belts I put the key into the ignition and started the engine. I turned on the A/C and slowly backed out of the driveway and drove away. 

"Your mom sounds like a nice lady." Brandon teased. 

"My mother is demanding like my father." I sighed, stopping at a stop sign and continuing to drive. 

"Is it alright if I turn on the CD from yesterday?" 

"I don't mind," 

Brandon hit play on the CD player I was driving down Wise Avenue I turned left by the McDonald's and turned left onto Eddlynch  Drive. Brandon told me how to get to his grandparents' house when we arrived at his grandparents' house, I pulled into the drive way. I stopped the CD and turned off the A/C we removed our seat belts and climbed out of the bus. I grabbed my purse Brandon and I walked up to the house. He opened the storm door and walked inside the house I followed behind him. 

"Grandmom, granddad." Brandon called. 

"Kitchen," a woman's voice answered. 

Brandon led me into the kitchen we were greeted by his grandparents. 

"Grandmom, granddad this is my girlfriend, Olivia." 

"It's nice to meet you, Olivia. I'm Rachel and this is my husband, Randell." 

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