Chapter 39 *trigger warning*

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The following afternoon I am hanging out in the living room with Skylar and Breanna. 

"Liv would you ever want to sell your grandmother's recipes?" 

"No, I don't want to sell my grandmother's recipes because they are special to me." 

"I tried to tell my mother that you wouldn't sell baked goods using your grandmother's recipes." Breanna said. 

"My grandmother only baked during the holidays or if we asked her to bake something I don't want to sell bake goods using her recipes." I explained. 

"We understand and we know how much your grandmothers' recipes mean to you." 

We heard someone knocking at the door I got up off the couch and answered the door Madelaine was standing on the door step I stepped to the side and let her inside the house. I closed the door behind her and locked it Madelaine removed her coat and hung it up. 

"Madeline, can I get you anything?" I asked. 

"I need to talk to you." Madelaine said. 

I sat down on the couch and Madelaine sat down in the arm chair she noticed Breanna and Skylar sitting on the love seat. 

"Liv since you have company I can come back later." 

"Madelaine it's okay my friends know about werewolves." 

I introduced Madelaine to Breanna and Skylar they greeted her warmly. 

"I divorced Jason and left him for good." Madelaine stated. 

"What happened?" I asked worried. 

"Jason lied to me about being my mate he abused me verbally, physically, and sexually I went before the elders of his pack and told them what Jason did to me. They were furious that Jason treated me like this I showed the elders the photos that he took of me. The elders granted me the divorce and I am in therapy to deal with the trauma from being abused." 

My heart broke for Madelaine I felt bad that she was abused by someone that claimed to be her mate. 

"Would you like me to call Brandon home?" I asked. 

"Please don't call Bran home I don't want him to see me like this." She replied. 

"Your brother is worried about you he told me yesterday that if anything happened to you, he would never forgive himself." 

"Please call him," 

I grabbed my phone off the end table I unlocked my phone and called Brandon. 

"Hello beautiful." Brandon said answering on the first ring. 

"Babe can you please come home it's an emergency." I replied. 

"Are you going into early labor because you're not due yet." 

"Honey, calm down I'm fine and I'm not going into labor your sister is here with me, Skylar, and Breanna." 

"I'm on my way." He replied. 

I ended the call and laid my phone on the end table Madelaine was wiping her eyes Breanna handed her a tissue. 

"Liv is my brother angry?" 

"He's not angry at you." 

A few minutes later Brandon came into the house Madelaine ran to her brother and through her arms around him and cried. She returned to the arm chair Brandon sat beside me on the couch. 

"Madelaine are you okay?" Brandon asked voice full of concern. 

"No," Madelaine sobbed, staring down at her hands. 

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