Chapter 38

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{Two Months Later}

I am sitting in the kitchen talking with Skylar and Breanna.

"Liv where Brandon?" 

"He's at work." 

"Where does he work at?" Breanna asked curiously. 

"Brandon works at the Baltimore Museum Of Art with his parents." I answered. 

I poured us another glass of green tea when we heard someone knocking at the door I rose from the table and left the kitchen. I answered the door Brandon's grandmother was standing on the door step I let her inside the house. 

"My grandson asked me to come over and make sure you and the baby are fine." Rachel said. 

"I'm fine," I smiled. 

Rachel led me upstairs to Brandon's room and examined me to make sure the baby is okay. 

"Brandon worried to much you and the baby are just fine and you are right about having a girl. Your daughter is developing like she should and she's a werewolf like you and Brandon." 

I followed his grandmother back downstairs she left the house I returned to the kitchen and rejoined my friends at the table. 

"Everything okay?" Skylar asked. 

"Brandon asked his grandmother to come over and check on me his grandmother examined me and both me and the baby are fine. I am also right about having a girl and she's a werewolf like Brandon and me." I explained. 

Skylar and Breanna couldn't stop smiling when I told them that I am having a girl. 

"Ryan and me have been talking about marriage and starting a family." Skylar said. 

Later on, that afternoon after my friends went home, I started cooking dinner I heard the front door open. 

"Baby, I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen," 

I heard Brandon enter the kitchen and felt him snake his arms around my waist I leaned back against him. 

"My grandmother told me that I worry too much and she told me to ask you what we're having." Brandon said. 

"We're having a girl!" I exclaimed. 

He leaned down and kissed my cheek I felt my cheeks grow warm. 

"You're starting to show." 

"Our daughter is a werewolf like us." 

Brandon helped me with dinner and helped me set the table. After dinner we sat at the table and shopped online for items for the baby. 

"My grandmother chewed me out for not staying home and calling her or my mother when you start going into labor." He sighed. 

"Brandon, it's fine because you are looking out for my well-being as well as our daughter's well-being." I said, reaching over and holding his hand. 

When we were finished shopping for our daughter Brandon filled out the shipping information, I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Would you like to go for a walk around the neighborhood?" 

"I would love too." 

Brandon and I rose from the table he grabbed my laptop we left the kitchen I put on my coat and zipped it up. Brandon came back downstairs I handed him his coat he put on his coat we left the house. Brandon held my hand as we walked around the neighborhood. 

"Babe where are your parents?" I asked curiously. 

"They went out to dinner after work to give us alone time." Brandon responded. 

"When is Madelaine's mating ritual?" 

"My sister already had her mating ritual and didn't invite anyone and neither did Jason." 

"Can they do that?" I asked confused. 

"Yes, but we always include family and friends to a mating ritual my sister hurt our parents and grandparents' feelings when she didn't invite them to her mating ritual. I don't think their union will last long because I don't trust Jason there is something off about him." Brandon stated. 

I could tell that Brandon is concerned about his older sister's well-being we walked back to his parents' house and walked up the front steps. Brandon opened the storm door and unlocked the front door and opened it I walked inside the house with him following behind me. We took off our coats and hung them up Brandon and I walked upstairs to his room we headed for the bathroom. When Brandon and I came out of the bathroom we left the bedroom and walked downstairs. We walked into the living room and walked over to the couch and sat down I snuggled into his side he wrapped his arm around me. 

"Babe, I know you're concerned about Madelaine." 

"I've always looked out for my sister and she's always looked out for me. If anything happened to Madelaine, I would never forgive myself." 

As we were watching TV Brandon gently rubbed my growing stomach, I gazed at him and smiled he leaned in and kissed me. Brandon and I heard the front door open his parents came inside the house. 

"Mom, dad you two will have a granddaughter soon!" Brandon exclaimed. 

"Your father and I can't wait to spoil her." Lexi smiled. 

His parents left the living room I laid my head on his chest Brandon kissed my head. 

"Are you ready for bed?" 


I sat up on the couch and turned off the TV I laid the remote on the coffee table and got up off the couch Brandon rose from the couch and turned off the lamp. We exited the living room and walked upstairs to bed. 

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