Chapter 33

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The next afternoon I am sitting on the couch writing my vows and listening to the rock radio station on DirecTV. When I heard someone knocking at the door I got up off the couch and answered the door my friends and William were standing on the door step I stepped to the side and let them inside the house. 

"What's going on?" I asked, closing the door and locking it. 

"We brought your brother over here to apologize." Nate said. 

I sat back down on the couch my friends and William made their selves at home. 

"Will, you need to apologize to Liv,"

"I already told you guys I don't have a sister!!" 

Hearing my brother say that felt like someone punched me in the stomach. 

"Since you say you don't have a sister that's fine with me and I don't have a brother!!" I bellowed, rising from the couch and storming out of the living room I entered the kitchen. 

Breanna and Skylar came into the kitchen they walked over to me and hugged me I returned their hugs. 

"Where's Brandon?" 

"He went out." 

"Will shouldn't be treating you like this because it's not your fault that your mother had an affair." Breanna said. 

"I only told Will because he had a right to know, and I didn't want to keep it from him. If I knew he was going to hate me then I wouldn't have told me." I stated matter of factly. 

Breanna, Skylar, and I sat down at the table Ryan came into the kitchen carrying my pad of paper and pen he handed me the pad of paper and pen he left the kitchen. 

"What are you working on?" 

"I'm writing my vows for mine and Brandon's mating ritual." 

"Can we hear what you have written so far?" Skylar asked. 

"Sure," I smiled and began reading the vows that I have written so far. 

Brandon, my love for you grows every day you are the love of my life I am blessed to have you as my mate. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. 

"Liv, your vows are amazing can't wait to hear the rest of you vows." 

"Will you and Brandon have a honeymoon?" 

"Our honeymoon will be spent in bed for two weeks." I blushed. 

"Sounds like fun," Breanna giggled. 

William came into the kitchen and joined us at the table. 

"If you're here to talk we will speak like adults and not act like children." I stated, staring at my brother. 

"We will talk like adults." William replied. 

Breanna and Skylar left the kitchen giving my brother and I privacy. 

"I went to our parent's funeral this morning our aunts and uncles don't blame you for not going I acted like I wanted to be there. I didn't walk up to their caskets when I delivered the eulogy, I spoke the truth about our parents and told them I hope they are burning in hell." 

"I went to visit my father, stepmother, and half-sisters my stepmother Rosalie welcomed me with open arms she's the mother that I wish I had my sister Megan is a lot like me my other sister Isabella doesn't like me because I'm not into the same things as her." 

"What do they think of Brandon?" He asked. 

"My father, Rosalie, and Megan love Brandon." I said. 

"I am still attending your big day and supporting my big sister and soon to be brother-in-law." 

"I will return the favor when you and Nate get married one day." 

William and I rose from the table I walked over to him and hugged my brother William returned my hug. We left the kitchen and entered the living room. 

"Liv, we are going to head home so you can finish working on your vows." Nate said. 

"Thanks for stopping by." I smiled. 

My friends and Will left the house I locked the door behind them I returned to the kitchen and finished working on my vows. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and heard it close. 

"Baby, I'm home!" 

"I'm in the kitchen," 

I turned the pad of paper over and closed the ink pen I rose from the table Brandon entered the kitchen I walked towards Brandon, he leaned down and kissed me. 

"How was your day beautiful?" Brandon asked. 

"My day was good I worked on my vows, and I made up with Will." I said, lacing my arms around his neck. 

"I'm glad you two made up." 

Later on, that night Brandon and I were laying on the couch watching TV he draped his arm across me and kissed my cheek. I felt him moving behind me he climbed over me and left the living room. I sat up on the couch Brandon returned to the living room he walked over to the couch he gazed at me as he got down on one knee. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, I noticed Brandon holding a small velvet black box. 

"Liv, I fell in love with you the moment I first met you my love for you grows every day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you as your husband and mate. Will you marry me?" He asked, lifting the lid on the velvet box. 

"Yes, I'll marry you!" I exclaimed. 

Brandon lifted the ring out of the box and slid the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand. I knelt down on the floor I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Brandon wrapped his arms around my waist the kiss grew heated and passionate I broke the kiss and gazed at him. 

"Let's take this upstairs." 

"We're fine right here." 

Brandon climbed to his feet he helped me to my feet we undressed each other I watched him grab a condom out of the pocket of his pajama bottoms Brandon gently tore the foil and slid it on. Brandon laid down on the couch I climbed on top of him he helped me slide myself onto his hardened member I started moving my hips back and forth he helped guide my hips. I leaned down and kissed him passionately he kissed me with the same amount of passion I felt Brandon's hands roaming my body. I was getting closer to my release I felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach I could tell that Brandon was getting closer to his release as well I felt him growing harder inside me our movements grew faster and faster. I reached my release, and he followed soon after we rode out our orgasms our breathing was uneven and ragged. The smell of sex was heavy in the air I kissed Brandon's cheek he kissed my forehead. 

"Babe, I don't want to move." I smiled. 

"I don't want to move either." Brandon muttered softly. 

He gently pulled out of my entrance I climbed off him Brandon left the living room I left the living room and walked upstairs to mine and Brandon's room. I headed for the bathroom when I came out of the bathroom, I spotted him lying in bed I walked over to the bed. I put my tank top and sleep shorts back on I climbed into bed I leaned down and kissed Brandon. I laid down in bed I reached over and turned off the lamp I rolled over facing him he wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his chest. 



"I love you." I muttered. 

"I love you, too." Brandon said softly, stroking my hair. 

I pressed a kiss to his chest Brandon, and I drifted off to sleep.

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