1x02: Who Wore It Best?

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The next morning has been...surprisingly quiet. Things seem to have been pretty decent after Sayera's elimination. Everything except Tommy. He, along with London, seem to be having a conversation. "I get it honestly. You did what you have to do for your game, and unless you planned on riding his coattails the whole way to the end, it was a smart move." London explained rather bluntly. Tommy was still unsure. "I don't know. I felt really shitty, to be quite honest with you. Like what if he finds out?" Tommy frowns. London pouted her lips in amusement. "Deny, deny, deny. You don't owe him shit at the end of the day."

Tommy seemed to agree, taking a sip of whatever miscellaneous liquid was in his cup. "What about you?" He questioned. London tilted her head in confusion. "What about me?" She scoffed, taking the moment to fold her arms in discomfort. Tommy continued. "That whole alliance with Amber and Judas. Is that like...a permanent thing?"

(Confessional time)

"Tommy asks me if the alliance I have with Judas and Amber is going to last to the end. And honestly, I don't see why not. We have a very strong foot on everyone's necks at the moment, and I'm not stupid. I'm going to ride the wave to the end, get my money, and leave." She smirks.

(Confessional over)

London doesn't necessarily answer, only shrugging instead.

Before Tommy can protest, the intercom crackled, interrupting him almost immediately.

"Attention, Attention! The first elimination may have happened, but this competition is FAR from over. Head outside in 5 minutes for the next challenge. And uh, get ready to walk."

The intercom ends, and Zeke gets up from his bed groaning. "It's 8:00 in the morning! Please, kill me now!" He whined. Wyatt throws a pillow at him with a laugh, causing Oleander to laugh as well.

Meanwhile, the girls were getting ready, but seemed to be a little down. "Did anyone else feel kinda bad that Sayera went home last night?" Ginger asked suddenly. Brooklyn nods. "Honestly? Yeah. She really wanted this, I could tell." From the corner of the room, Tatyana shrugged. "It was either her or me unfortunately. I loved her, but truth be told...she didn't really do it for me."

The girls were shocked.

"Really?" Karyn asked. Tatyana nodded. "She kinda sucked next to you Brooke. But at least you came with the comebacks. There was a fire from you I saw before I saw it in Sayera. The only time I really saw anything was when she shaded London. It was her time." She continued to explain. Ginger muttered in agreement. "I just don't think she thrived well in a competitive setting. It happens. At the same time though, It's not gonna be the same without her. So anyways..." she joked, causing the room to laugh.

As everyone made their way down and hurried outside, a collective sound of gasps and cheers broke through the morning. Standing there, in an extravagant red dress, was none other than Michelle Visage herself!

(Confessional time)

"Michelle...Visage...oh my god! What's happening!? Are we gonna lip sync, are we gonna do some dumb acting challenge!? Oh my god....are we gonna rap!?" Amber squealed.

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