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Oleander gulped down another glass when the door opened again. He clumsily clenched to the glass as the cheer of a woman drawed his attention back to the entrance way. As he shuffled, a sense of defeat wafting around him into the living room, he was bombarded by the others as two more people entered the room.

The woman, a dark skinned tall girl who was absolutely gorgeous, pursed to hide the smile currently spreading on her face. London looked the girl up and down and swallowed hard. She was, well, perfect! She smiled, and the whole room seemed to light up. Her feather sandy brown hair caught the sun at just the right angle as her dark green eyes scanned the house softly. She wore a burnt sienna latex dress with a black off the shoulder biker jacket and black converse high heels. Tommy practically drooled as she winked at him before making her way towards the kitchen.

"Hey. I'm Teyana from baton rouge, and I came to win, girl." She smiled, beaming with confidence.

"Holy shit!" Ryder whispered almost too loudly, earning a flirty laugh from Teyana. Karyn nodded. "Homegirl came prepared, I'll give her that." She complimented with an impressed smirk.

(Confessional time) "A lot of people think people from the south are kinda...slow, you know? I'm here to show the world that's NOT the case. Contrary to my appearance, I'm actually do a fair amount of obscure jobs! I do voice acting, computer haking, and I'm a professional online ghostwriter! I know, weird. But I promise it pays well!" As she smiles, there's almost a very strong presence from her.

*Confessional over*

The others warm up to Teyana almost immediately, which further caused Oleander to sulk. Wyatt, noticing the situation, walked over to sit next to him with a bright smile. Oleander, shocked at first, shyly smiled back.

The next person to enter was a short but lanky Asian man. His smile was thick, and he just seemed a bit too enthusiastic. Amber nudged Judas and London with her elbow as she motioned her head towards the young man's direction. "How do you think he'll do?" She smirked, causing judas to huff in amusement. London returned Amber's malicious tone with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Definitely an early out babes. Not sorry about it."

The young man waved before sprinting his way into the door.

"Alright you guys, let's get rid of my deep personal fear of not belonging!" He shouts excitedly, looking around to soft chuckles and somewhat uncomfortable glances. His smile falters. With a nervous chuckle, he looks at Oleander and whispers towards him.

"This...this isn't therapy, is it?"

Oleander, who realized it was a joke, shoved his face into his sleeves. The young man smiled, clearly proud of his accomplishment.

(Confessional time) "Hiya! I'm Ezekiel, but most people call me Zeke, and some don't call me at all." He smiles half heartedly into the camera as production laughs a little in the background.

I'm a little bit of a quadruple threat, at least in my opinion. I'm a youtuber, I have a podcast, I do skits, I can sing, and unlike some of these guys, I don't look like a Tim Burton character. So uh, I think I might have this in the bag." He mused on jokingly, nodding confidently towards the camera.

*Confessional Over*

Oleander nervously looked over Zeke one last time as the lanky man draped a friendly arm around him. Was long despite his height and lanky, and surprisingly kinda tan for someone who lives in Connecticut. His hair, oddly enough, was the calmest thing about himself. A chesnut shaggy undercut mop streaked rather messily with black streaks. Almost like he had quickly tried to dye his hair but failed miserably. He also didn't seem to be particularly dressed for an occasion like this. An overgrown pumpkin orange button down with the sleeves rolled up midway with a pale blue t-shirt , light blue jeans with the pant legs slightly cuffed, and black converse.  After a while, oleander seems to have forgotten that he had been staring, because as he looks up to face Zeke again, he is met with a cheesy smile.

"Hey! I like your hair. I'm Zeke by the way."

Oleander, immediately becoming red in the face, swallows hard before smiling back.

"Uh...hey. I'm Oleander. " he mutters, trying hard to subside his stutter.

As things begin to settle down, the last girl enters. A short, flashy young woman with tight red curls and a bright smile walks into the room. She's wearing a black corset, a glitter covered red varsitey jacket, a black leather skirt and boots, and extremely dark makeup. She pauses, and looks around saying nothing. A tiny smirk plays on her lips as she speaks.

"Sup." She sighs nonchalantly.

((Confessional )) "I'm Ginger  Loyola from Forks, Washington.  I'm 22 years old and I am the wicked witch of season one. Get into it." She smirked, winking.

When you think of ginger, you think 'Wow, she looks like she can kick ass!' And I can. I'm a third degree black belt in jujitsu and I do Krav Maga so yeah, I'm a bit of a badass." But when I'm not doing that you can catch me at the comic store...because I work there. I'm a dork what can i say?" She laughs.

(Confessional over)

As she walks in waving at everyone in the room, the camera zooms in to Karyn's face in a slight cringed expression.

(Confessional) "oh, okay. So..I guess she's the oddball of the season, right. Because we clearly don't have enough this season." She states, rolling her eyes. As she says this the camera immediately flashes to Amber, Oleander, Judas, Brooklyn, and Wyatt.

(Confessional over)

Ginger says her hellos, but before anything can officially start, a loud alarm blares. Some people jump, but others began to cheer. It was clear to everyone. The challenge was about to begin.

"Please prepare yourselves for the first challenge, because you're going deep...

Grave Deep.

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