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"Welcome, one and all, to the Monster's Bash! Here, our contests were asked to design a look inspired by their inner creature of the night. So, now is the time. Let's meet our monsters!" The announcer exclaimed, finishing with a once again dramatic laughter. The stage was set, dark lights illuminated the night sky.

"First up....London!"

The young girl stepped out as white fog eerily trailed behind her. London's skin was paler than usual, and almost ghost white. Her hair was delicately curled, and as she sauntered slowly onstage, the girl looked up, and her eyes were pearl white. With a small gray treasure chest in her hand, London slowly opens it up and reaches in, pulling out a mannequin head of a man, covered in blood.

 With a small gray treasure chest in her hand, London slowly opens it up and reaches in, pulling out a mannequin head of a man, covered in blood

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(Confessional time)

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(Confessional time)

"I decided to go with the ghost of a scorned lover, but I wanted to do it in such an elegant way. She's haunting, she's terrifying, but she's just so beautiful. It's simple, but the presentation...I mean come on now. I don't think anyone's gonna beat me to be honest. And that feels incredible." A proud smile washes over London as she explains herself.

(Confessional over)

"Incredible. Up next, we have Judas!"

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