1×01: The Blunder Games

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen (and everyone in between) to Cutthroat. Here, 13 contestants will be competing via an extremely competitive social experiment, for $100,000! At Cutthroat, social skill is key. Skills are a must. strategy is endgame. And in the end, only ONE can win. But enough about me; impeccable host Billie Rustic. Let's meet our contestants now.

A young woman saunters into the open mansion doors. She is tall, thin, and pale. Her hair is dark brown mid length and very curly under her burgundy beret. She also seems to be wearing a sleeveless tartan black dress, burgundy tights, and black cowgirl-esque boots. A smirk spreads on her lips as she looks around the house. "Wow! This is so fucking cute! And I'm the first one? Obviously." She hurries into the room, tossing her hair back and running around to find a room.

(Confessional) "My name is London Tate

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(Confessional) "My name is London Tate. I'm 21, I'm from Malibu, California and I am an professional model. Uh, in training. Whatever." London scoffs rolling her eyes.

London spins around the room and winks at the cameras.

"People underestimate me because they assume I'm a dumbass or something. But whenever I compete, I play dirty as hell. I may not be the smartest or the strongest...."

There is suddenly a long pause.

"....but...?" A camerman asks as London's face turns into a confused frown. "But what?" She mutters.

(Confessional over)

As london continues to toy around with things, the sound of wheels break the silence, causing london to jump a bit. A boy, maybe a couple of inches shorter than the girl, tripped coming off of his skateboard. He was tan, with short mint green hair. He wore a black and dark green oversized flannel that was a size too big, dark blue skinny jeans with the ankles rolled up, and black sneakers. As he compsed himself for the camera, he let out a sort of nasal laughter. "Ha! I crushed it." He snorted. The boy smiled to reveal a row of black braces. The camera flashes to a grimacing london in the corner.

(Confessional) "Hiya! Name's Wyatt Henderson, and I am from Houston Texas, baby! I just turned 21 years old yesterday, and I work at concession stands at carnivals. Was that too odd?" Wyatt pauses as he bursts into laughter.

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