1x06: Attack Of The Commercials

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Today was a little different. The contestants were woke up by the what sounded like ...90s music?

"What fresh hell is this?" London moaned, getting up and shuffling along downstairs. Making a cup of tea, she hardly seemed to notice the boy beside her, frozen from surprise. London, still unaware, took another sip as the 90s music continued to blare. "Stupid fucking music." She sighed, leaning against her chair. Her eyes drifted over to the stranger, nodding her head in acknowledgement. He was fairly tall, with gingerbread brown hair that had a blonde streak or two, and looked mid length as most of it was pushed back from his face. His eyes were a honey brown, and tan skin was complimented by the sunlight beginning to peak through the windows. He held his breath, setting aside something he must've been working on, before balling his hands into one another, and cupping them to his mouth.

"Hey." She mumbled, taking another sip.

But then, it set in.

London jumped up from her chair, and screamed!

The entire house was in shambles. Wyatt, Tatyana and the others came rolling down the stairs as London was in hysterics! The stranger seemed...surprisingly calm, raising his hands in surrender with a heavy eye roll.

"Who is that!? Who Is that!? Who is that!?" She screamed, nearly dropping her tea.

Tommy was getting equally into hysterics, handing Tatyana heavy things to use. Tatyana was screaming at Tommy.

"Should I hit him? Do I hit him?" Tommy screamed while Tatyana was sizing up her throw.

"Hey, hey, everybody calm down!" Wyatt exclaimed, trying to calm everyone down.

The stranger took a book from the counter, and slammed it hard against the table.

"Alright already! God." He snapped. Wait a minute, that voice! It's a little deeper than usual, but...

"Amber!?" Wyatt questioned suddenly with a raised brow. Amber shrugged.

"Out of drag it's actually Aiden, but yeah."


"Amber's a drag queen...how did we never figure  that out?" Judas asked out loud. London nodded. "I gotta admit, I was kinda jealous of your wardrobe. I still am, actually." London chuckled.

Aiden looked kind of surprised. "You guys don't hate me for lying?" He asked, slowly releasing a sigh of relief.

"Amber, this is hardly something to be upset about. You're still the same mean bitch you were." Tatyana pointed out with a half amused chuckle.

"And besides, half of the people here are complete fucking train wrecks. I doubt the fact that you're hot as a guy and a girl Is gonna disgust us." London mused, taking another sip.

"It's nice to finally meet Aiden though." Wyatt added, with a smile.

Amber, or rather Aiden, beamed brightly.

And suddenly, the intercom cracked.

"Boys, girls, humans of all ages! I got a proposition for you. Today's challenge, unlike the others, isn't a physical challenge. It's not quite a mental one either. For today's challenge, I want you to tap into those little creative minds of yours, and give me a commercial!" The announcer exclaims. This was the most excited he's been in a while. "The end is close, so you all gotta kill it. I expect nothing less but greatness! There are no assigned teams this week, that's all on you."

As the intercom ended, everyone began to file in with one another.

Judas, London, and Aiden were a team.

Oleander, Tommy, and Wyatt were a team.

And that left Tatyana and Ginger.

(*Confession Time*)

"I'm a little nervous working on a commercial with Ginger. Not because I don't like her, but because this challenge would've been mine had Karyn still been here. And Ginger is a little...subdued for improv, you know? But who knows, she could surprise me. I really, really hope she surprises me." Tatyana pleads.

(*Confessional Time*)

"A commercial challenge! I'm so fucking excited! This is my thing. Stand-up, comedy, improv. This is my bread and butter. We have this. I've never been more confident about something in my life. Wish us luck, world!" Tommy grinned with a thumbs up. "It's gonna be a fun challenge, I can't wait!"

(*Confessional Over*)

"Oh, and uh, there's one more thing." The announcer called out.

Everyone began to groan and grumble.

"God. What is it now?" Aiden whined.

"Your commercials will be judged not be judged by me." There was a long pause.

"It will instead by judged by your fellow eliminated contestants."

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