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"I shouldn't have asked...I really, really shouldn't have asked." Aiden groaned, rubbing his temples. London jumped, casually surprised.  "Oh wow, I forget that you're really...you know..." she sighed with a light chuckle. Aiden nodded in agreement as he placed his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, the whole get-up is kinda kicking my ass. That was my ex-girlfriend's outfit."

The group froze, shifting their attention to Aiden. "...girl...?" Tommy managed to squeak out. Aiden shrugged. "I mean, yeah. Girlfriends, boyfriends, shit happens. Jealous?" He mused, giving them a playful wink. London blushed and Tommy simply swallowed hard before snapping his direction as the huge grave shaped spots in the middle of the ground. Wyatt shook his head, extremely amused. "I gotta say Aiden, you've managed to surprise me continously throughout this whole competition. It's impressive to say the least."

The intercom crackles and as it echoes into the darkness, you could hear a pen drop.

"Alright, this one's pretty simple guys. 7 holes, six shovels. First six to make it their wins, the one who doesn't it immediately out. The rest of you will dig until you reach a chest. Inside that chest is a flag. The first five grab their flag and reach the spot with the Go-Karts. Last person is out. Over here are three karts, which means two people will not go foward. The last three will race around the track. The winner gets to nominate and eliminate a contestant...all by themselves. No jury, no voting, just a chop. You're really gonna want this one. Good luck." And with that, the announcement was over.

Wyatt nervously sucked some air through his teeth. Judas shook his head, dryly chuckling to himself while muttering the words, 'this fucking show.' Tatyana seemed the most prepared, and Tommy and Oleander looked at one another quite nervously.

"...go!" The intercom shouted, catching mostly everyone by surprise.

All except Wyatt and Tatyana who immediately leapt into action! Aiden was on their tail along with Tommy, with Oleander not too far behind. Judas and London trailed behind but not by much. This was definitely close. Tatyana arrived first, snatching the red shovel and immediately getting to work! Wyatt leapt foward, tightening his grip on the blue shovel with a relived sigh. Aiden stumbled a bit but managed to wobble his way to the yellow shovel, Tommy nabbing the green one. Oleander overshot it, reaching for the furthest purple shovel only to accidentally be shoulder swiped by Judas.

"Sorry little dude!" Judas called out through his labored breathing. Oleander's eyes scanned for the remaining shovel, which didn't seem to be in his peripheral. The minute he turned, the horn blared. London smirked as she twiddle the white shovel in her hands.

"Oleander, you're out!"

As Oleander heard this, he cursed silently to himself.

Tatyana, looking next to her to see that Wyatt was slightly ahead, throws her shovel down and begins to dig with her hands instead.

(Confessional time)

"I. Am. Fighting. I need this, I need this win because otherwise, my ass is on the line again. And I don't think anyone here has any priorities on saving me, so bitch, I'm pulling my weight and then some!" Tatyana announces excitedly.

(Confessional Over)

Dirt is flying everywhere, so much so, that you could barely see any contestants.

"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Tatyana snaps, chipping her nail on the trunk. She sighs, before taking it out and flipping it open to reveal a red flag. "Oh thank god!" She muttered, shoving her flag in her pocket and darting to the carts. Wyatt, with a proud roar, dragged his chest up and pulled out his blue flag. Aiden immediately did the same, wrapping his yellow bandana around his head.  Tommy nearly fell into his hole, but found his footing and dragged out his chest and guffawed! He kicked his open, shoving the purple flag in his shirt and doing a somewhat high-kneed sprint. London took Tatyana's route, throwing the shovel aside and full on dog digging.

She hisses in pain as she broke a couple of nails, but as she threw her chest open, she took her white flag, wiped her hands with it, and took off. The horn blared again.

"You're out, Judas!"

It was extremely obvious that Aiden, Wyatt, and Tatyana were the only 3 making it to the Karts. The horn blared, stopping Tommy in his tracks.

"Tommy. London. Good game! You're out."

Tommy was definitely a little pissed.

Aiden, Wyatt, and Tatyana fight to tie their flags to their carts. Wyatt jumps right in, does his clown cackle, the drifts off. Tatyana is behind him, while Aiden seems to be struggling with the controls.

(Confessional time)

"Before you criticize me, just remember that go-kart driving isn't necessarily a skill you require, alright!? I didn't grow up going to fucking amusement parks or driving down the race track! God, this is embarrassing! Cause I'm just there...sitting. waiting. " He chuckles, jokingly snapping at production. There's laughs coming from the far side of the camera.

(Confessional switch)

"My chances of winning this challenge are pretty fair I'd say. I'm ahead, I've been keeping a decent pace. I'm definitely in the zone. But Tatyana is there, like practically on my ass in her Kart. She wants this, I can definitely tell." Wyatt says with a head shake.

(Confessional switch)

"I am slamming as hard as I can on the gas pedal, it smells like burnt rubber out there, the tires are screeching, and Wyatt's just a liiitle bit more ahead then me. But I got this. No question." Tatyana replies with a somewhat confident smile.

(Confessional over)

The last lap approaches. Wyatt is still ahead, but Tatyana is practically on him. They're headed towards the turn, and both are mere inches from the finish line. Wyatt is feeling confident. He takes a wide turn, but in doing so, opens a space for Tatyana! As she begins to tighten her curve, it seems as though she's picked up speed. Both are focused, harder then ever before. One moment, Wyatt's in the lead, the Tatyana.





The end approaches, and in the VERY last minute, Tatyana pulls through, crossing the finish line a second faster than Wyatt.

The final horn is blown.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the tapes have been reviewed and we're back. The winner, in our closest challenge yet, is Tatyana! Congrats." He announced.

Tatyana is thrilled. Screaming for joy, she hugs Oleander, who is surprised, but hugs her back. Wyatt cheers her on, a little defeated, but definitely not a sore loser.

Now, it was time for the ceremony.

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