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The game was fairly simple, first team to 3 wins. The determination was carved into Wyatt's face. He barley managed to blink as he stared down Tommy and his team. From the corner, London managed to begin slithering her way towards the other team. As Wyatt ran backwards, ball in hand, Tommy came barreling towards him! Wyatt threw the ball, and Ginger began to run back to catch it. The other team began to follow after her. London rushed Ginger from the side, capturing her flag in the process. Judas jumped to catch the spiraling ball, and as it landed in his arms with a heavy 'Thump' he collapsed across the Bronze team's line.  London began to cheer as Ginger silently cursed to herself. "Where the fuck was my defense!?" She shouted, and Oleander and Zeke looked away rather sheepishly. Brooklyn lazily stood by the sidelines. "Brooklyn!" Ginger snapped.

It was no 1-0.

The next round was about to begin. Oleander had the ball, his finger began to shake with anticipation. "Alright, c'mon you guys!" Tommy shouted, the gravel in his voice taking most of his team off guard. The whistle blew and Amber and Wyatt sprinted at oleander with full force! Oleander ran across, Karyn and Zeke following not too far behind. As oleander paused suddenly, he managed to avoid the two, dodging their attempts just in time for Karyn and Zeke to grab Amber and Wyatt's flag. Tommy came up from behind along with Ginger to block London and Judas which wasn't too hard. Just as Oleander nearly crossed the line however, Tatyana snatched his flag, forcing him to drop the ball mere inches away from the line. As she picked up the ball, she smirked. Tommy and Ginger were still distracted with London and Judas, making a clear beeline towards the end. She kicked off, leaving dust behind her as she charged to the line with as much speed as she could muster. Karyn tried to stop her but was simply shoulder checked, and Zeke just couldn't keep up. Brooklyn stood at the end of the line, practically guarding it.

Tatyana took a sharp step to the left, and Brooklyn followed suit, stumbling in the process. Tatyana jumped forward, crossing the line with little to no problem.


Sweat poured down Tommy's face as a smirk played on Wyatt's. "Tatyana saved your ass, Wyatt." Tommy warned, and Wyatt nodded in acknowledgement. "Yeah, she's the MVP. Too bad none of your team could save yours though." He fired back sarcastically. Tommy frowned, gripping off his flag. Wyatt raised a brow.

"I said I was sorry, man." Tommy informed.

"Doesn't mean I have to accept it." Wyatt snapped coldly.

The tension was thick.

"Last game." Wyatt devilishly spat, a toothy smile all over his face.

Amber had the ball, and as the whistle blew, she darted ahead. Ginger blocked her immediately, hands outscretched. Amber tried her best with her obscured vision as the gold and Bronze team began to mix with one another. She threw the ball, watching as it spun right into Tommy's hands. Wyatt huffed as he ran over to Tommy's direction. "Go! I got this." He told his team as Zeke, Ginger, and Oleander ran forward, ready to catch. Tommy tucked the ball into his side and ran forward with his shoulder leading the way. As Wyatt darted ahead to attempt to steal the ball, he was stopped with a heavy shoulder to chest! His body jerked forward as he hit the ground. Tommy threw the ball while everyone stood in somewhat shock. Oleander caught it, hissing a bit in pain as the ball nearly hit him in the stomach. He crossed the line, dropping the ball and immediately getting a hug from Zeke.

"Keep it up little guy, keep it up!" Zeke cheered as Wyatt attempted to pull himself up.

(Confession time)

"Goddamn! I know that hurt. I KNOW that hurt! And y'all didn't see his face when he got up. Baby, Wyatt is on fire right now, if looks could kill honey...tommy would be dead. Because Tommy knocked him on his ass with  that one. This game is about to be full out fight club." Tatyana announced excitedly.

(Confession switch)

"Wyatt deserves it, I don't care." Amber shrugged, picking at her fingers. "I'm just surprised it came from Tommy of all people. He's a lot stronger than I thought he would be. Kid's got heart."

(Confession switch)

"I thought this would've helped, but it's just making things worse! They're gonna kill each other out here." Oleander whines, his hands sprawled across his face. "...I hate this challenge."

(Confession over)


"Is that what we're doing?" Wyatt asked, his voice surprisingly calm. Tommy grabbed the ball and gave it to Karyn. "I tried to be friends, Wyatt." He warned. Wyatt's eyes cut in Tommy's direction. "Noted."

"I'm gonna sit this one out." Brooklyn announced, breaking the silence. Ginger, annoyed, snapped her head in Brooklyn's direction. "What? Why?" Ginger asked, annoyed. Brooklyn walked over to the side and sat down on the grass. "It's fine." She muttered. "You guys got this."

Tommy rolled his eyes as he huddled the group closer.

"Listen, they're gonna expect one of the faster ones to have the ball. We're gonna have to catch them off guard." Tommy explained. "How? Brooklyn was the slowest and she's sitting it out. Besides her it's Zeke." Ginger added on, earning a funny look from Zeke. "Okay, then we'll do a cop out. Give it to zeke but pretend you gave it to me." Oleander spoke up. "No way dude, that's not worth it!" Zeke protested, placing a hand on Oleander's shoulder. Oleander smiled back."I'm just taking one for the team."

Across the way, Wyatt was growing more and more frustrated. Tatyana wiped some sweat from her forehead before pulling Judas, Amber, and London closer. "Okay, Wyatt is definitely losing it. We need a plan. I'm gonna need you guys to stay close and keep an eye out." She spoke in a hushed tone. "But how are we gonna get the ball?" London asked. Tatyana paused for a moment.

"I have an idea..."

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