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(Confessional) "greetings everybody! I'm Sayera May from Dallas Texas, I'm 27, and I'm better known for singing on YouTube!" As she pauses, she giggles, completely confused on what to say next. "Uhh, I think that's about it!" She finishes, looking around the room.

Well for one thing, I know that I'm definitely going to have a target on my back. But I've come prepared! I can perform, I'm pretty strong , I can give you looks. If I can, I think I can give some of these younger kids a run for their money! So uh, place your bets on me!

*Confessional over*

"So, what brings you to the house?" Amber replies as she continously clicks her nails. Sayera sighs before answering. "I was hoping I could do something to push me out of my comfort zone, you know? Hopefully I-" as she continues on, the door opens again, and not one, but two people are at the door! "Amber grins with intrigue, and Judas looks on in astonishment. "Looks like this day just keeps getting better! Hell yeah man!" Judas exclaims with a chuckle. Sayera quietly nods in agreement.

The others left the room and were immediately stopped in their tracks. "I don't know about them, they look like trouble." Karyn whispered to Ryder as she eyed the two new contestants carefully.  Ryder nodded slowly. They were definitely in for a shock or two.

The first one, was a tall tan hispanic girl with long brown hair in pigtails. She wore an all black ensemble, from her corset, to her leather jacket, to her black shorts and combat boots. She stared at the others for a quick minute before putting her hands on her hips and nodded.

"Sup nerds." She smirked, causing London to swallow hard. "Oh shit." Wyatt murmured as she made her way over to the rest of the group.

(Confessional) "Hey sluts, it's Brooklyn. I'm 25 from New York and I'm just here to like...steal shit." She shrugs confidently before continuing. "No. But seriously this is pretty much my game to win. I mean, I'm funny, I can design shit, I get shit faced at clubs so you KNOW I can perform,  and I dress well SOMETIMES!" Brooklyn coyly added, titlting her head slightly and looking into the camera with a smirk.

Brooklyn walks over and gives a little cheer, getting some cheers from the others. London does not seem quite impressed.  "Hey, I'm Brooklyn, I came here to fight." She says in a rather nonchalant tone. Some faces twist in shock, others look to each other with slight concern. "Guys, I'm kidding. No need to feel so tense. I'm just a pretty girl who has the win in the bag, no big deal!" She continues, but this time she is received pretty well earning a few laughs. "Okay I like you, I can tell we're gonna be friends!" Karyn laughs as Brooklyn smiles at her. "Dude, this is like the 2nd house I've been in that I haven't been kicked out of yet so it's kinda like you guys are already family, you know?" Brooklyn dryly adds as the others genuinely begin to laugh with her. All except Ryder and London really.

(Confessional) "A lot of people are gonna say I'm just a pretty girl and that I'll have everything handed to me. And the truth is...yes. everything is handed to me. with these boys, I'm sure they will. Unfortunately I don't accept handouts, UNLESS it's alcohol in which case..."

She posed, flirtatiously blinking as the camerman wheezed behind the scenes.

(Confessional over)

Brooklyn excitedly ran to go check out the rooms, while the other contestant managed go by completely unnoticed. He was very short (the shortest in the house besides Wyatt) with this blonde almost lemon yellow shaggy hair. His blue eyes nervously scanned the crowd, and he took a shakey sigh. He wore a suit surprisingly, black and white of course, except it was a size too big and the tie was a bit messy. He paused after noticing that no one really saw him quite yet. Without another thought, he darted towards the kitchen and quickly pored himself a big drink. This was going to be a long day.

(Confessional) "Hey. I'm Oleander. I'm 21 from Anaheim California and uh, I'm a recently graduated college student." He muttered, clearing his throat with a weak smile on his lips.

I'm definitely not a...people person, that's for sure. And my...stutter definitely makes things worse..." he paused, sheepishly shaking his head before continuing. I want to show that I can definitely hold my own in terms of competing. I...definitely think I could be an early target though...

(Confessional over)

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