1x11: Pt 3

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"And now, who we've all been waiting for. These three are, for better or for worse, the full drama. I've been waiting for this, honestly." The host jokes, setting down with a mischievous glint in his eye. "The infamous trio of Oleander, London, and Tatyana!"

From the moment they came out on stage, the tension was thick. Tatyana clearly had plenty to say. London shot daggers at Tatyana, and Oleander seemed to be in an uncomfortable state. "Hiiii! I'm so excited to be here." London purred, waving dramatically to the audience. "Girl, we're not in the finale, calm down." Tatyana immediately fired, shutting her down. "So, you three, through your own ways, delivered some of the most delicious pieces of drama on the season. I mean, where do I even begin!? Let's start with London."

"Oooh, let's." She sassily replied. "So, London, you were...in the nicest ways possible, kind of a bitch. What was that about?"

The audience (edited down a bit) kind of boos London. London, being the kind of girl she is, simply brushes it off. "I mean...It's tv! Like c'mon, there's gonna be drama, there's gonna be fights! Just enjoy it for what is was; amazing television." She smugly snapped. Tatyana was NOT amused. "Girl, just admit that you were a bitch because that's kinda the girl you are. There's shady and then there's being an asshole, and you were the biggest one. Full stop." She fired back, causing even the host to flinch. The tension was growing by the minute. London rolled her eyes. "Girl, be serious, you were an ass too. Not just me." Tatyana immediately jumped back into it. "I owned my shit to everyone's face though. The only person I didn't was to Zeke and we know why. But you and you're little clique was messy and mean as hell. Me and the girls were chillin."

London shrugged. "I disagree."

Tatyana, in turn, mocked her, shrugging with a frown in her face. "And you can do that. Moving on."

Under her breath, London muttered, "someone's just mad they didn't reach top 3." Which was pretty dumb considering Tatyana was right next to her. "I got fifth place with two wins. You were sitting comfortably on a struggle bus just to get a group win where two other motherfuckers were better than you. Don't get cute just to get dragged tonight. Okay?"

The room was silent. Even London was visibly shaken by that, shaking as she ran her fingers through her hair. The host cleared his throat, continuing. "And Oleander. You were essentially going in guns blazing after Zeke's elimination. But it kinda felt like you fizzled out towards the end. Why?"

A tear fell down oleander's face. "Uh...I just think that I realized Cutthroat wasn't for me. Or at the very least, I wasn't prepared for it. Going on tv, having like 12 other personalities in one house...it's a lot. But I don't regret it. It's an amazing experience, and I made some amazing friends. The nerd squad has been such a rock for me. They're like my family now." A soft little smile spread on his face as the crowd clapped at such a heartwarming comment. "I'm glad to hear that. And can I just say that you have definitely been someone the audience has grown to love, myself included." The host announced as the cheers drowned him out. Even Tatyana agreed. "There was such a good energy you brought. And that talent show? You've got something, kiddo. Hone it, and I promise you, the world isn't gonna be ready for Oleander. I promise."

"Coming up, we're FINALLY going to announce the winner, so stick around!"

This was it. The moment everyone was waiting for. The cast of season 1 sat nervously in the front of the audience, clearly grouped in with one another depending on who they were rooting for. The nerd squad was, unsurprisingly, rooting for Wyatt, with Brooklyn and Tatyana also in his corner. Karyn, Ginger, London, Ryder, and Sayera were rooting for London. No one was exactly cheering for Judas, but London was excited for both of them (more so Amber).

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