1x08: Buzzin

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The final 6 step back inside, prior to Tommy's elimination. It's very obvious many people have a lot to say.

"Ugh, we made it! Top 6, you guys!" Aiden applauds, earning half enthused mumbles in response. "Before we cheer though, I think it's evident that Tatyana should...I guess explain herself here." Wyatt points out, leaning back into his seat. Tatyana shrugs his response off almost immediately. "Why?" She bluntly presses. Aiden looks between the two with a somewhat excited grin. He's clearly relishing this moment. Wyatt is quick to respond. "I was lead to believe that you felt that the person you took out was like your ultimatum choice honestly. Like I definitely thought that I was going home." He explained. There was a level of hesitancy in his voice whenever he felt it was becoming a bit too loud.

"Well that's your fault for thinking that, isn't it?" Tatyana immediately fired back, shifting her head slightly towards him. Aiden commented with a slight 'oop!' Making Tatyana jokingly roll her eyes in annoyance. "Tommy was gaining momentum in the challenges. It was either take him out now and level the playing field, or be sent packing. Fight or flight, babes." Her tone seemed very dismissive of the whole situation, which only seemed to irk Wyatt even more. "How was that leveling the field?" He shouted rather incredulously. Tatyana frowned in response. "Tommy was someone who always improved on something he was bad at to be fair. If he was just a little bit faster or took the challenges more seriously, he would've still been here." Judas finally spoke, wave his hand as if to indicate the conversation was over. And that it was.

(Confessional time)

"I NEVER would have guessed that Tatyana would've sent Tommy home. Never! But good on her. At least she did something interesting before she's sent out this week." Judas pompously mused. Even the cameraman was surprised at how blunt he was. Judas raised a brow as if urging them to challenge his statement. "Did I lie though?"

(Confessional switch)

"The pressure of getting to the final spot is on. Every motherfucker is out for themselves now, and bitches are gonna have to start pulling some shady shit. I was just the catalyst. But now, I'm pumped. You gotta go, you gotta go, and you gotta go, because I have coins to collect and a competition to win. Boom." Tatyana quipped.

(Confessional switch)

"I'm sure there's nothing more these vultures would like then to put me on that podium and send me packing. To quote Nicki Minaj, 'You can't get rid of me, bitch!' I am taking this competition with no holds barred. If you want me gone, you're gonna have to beat me...full stop." Wyatt stated, the confidence in his tone was definitely evident.

(Confessional Over)

The next day, Aiden and Judas were up earlier than usual, having a coffee. "So Am...uh, Aiden." Judas clarified. Aiden rolled his eyes, regaled. "Go on." Aiden chuckled. Judas took another sip before he answered. "Do you really think Oleander is as nice as he plays it up? Cause I don't believe it." For a moment, Aiden paused. This question often racked his brain, and someone acknowledging it now was...interesting. "I think he isn't as congenial and level-headed as he's making himself out to be. He's fierce competition, I just wish he'd act like it. The whole, 'oh gosh, I'm just so bad at everything, I'm not sure if I'm doing well at all.' Crap is so annoying." Aiden commented, doing a baby voice to mock Oleander.

Judas nodded egregiously in agreement. "Exactly! That right there. I think if he wins, he's just gonna drop the act. He'll be standing there with the crown and the money like, 'I got ya'll! That wasn't me. Watch." Judas replies with a chuckle.

Then, the alarm blared.

"Hey, hey, hey, my special top 6! You know, I'm sure you're DYING to know what people in the house have to say about you. Or rather, what you have to say about them? But no worries, that's for another day. To be a true cutthroat is to hype yourself up, regardless of the circumstances. Keep the people talking...or maybe Buzzin. For today's challenge, I want you to dust off those singing and dancing skills, cause it's a performance challenge! For the first part, you're going to write and then record a verse for a song that some of you might be familiar with...Buzzin by Mann. Then, you're gonna choreograph and perform tonight. See ya then." And with that, the assignment was clear.

"Tommy would've loved this. Damn." Judas frowned. Wyatt glared at him, but said nothing. "I feel like the last three eliminated would've done great at this. Well, maybe not Ginger." Aiden added, and Tatyana covered her mouth trying not to laugh in response. "You are a rotted individual." Wyatt dryly fired back in a somewhat joking manner.  "Don't care. Didn't ask. Plus I'm top six. Now c'mon, we've got some lyrics to write!" As Aiden said this, he let out a huge 'whoo!'

Everyone felt it would be better to write their lyrics together, and for the first time in a long time, it was almost hard to tell there had been any alliances at all! Oleander and Tatyana were joking around with one another. London was contributing to the group conversation, and even Wyatt and Aiden seemed to be getting along quite well.

"So guys, have any of you ever rapped or did any verses like this?" Tatyana asked after setting her notepad down. There were a plethora of 'Nopes' to the question almost promptly. "Uhh, I gotta be honest here, I'm not the best when it comes to like, singing. Dancing, sure. But like rapping? Oof." Wyatt sighed, scrippling out a verse. Aiden feigned a gasp. "Is someone finally struggling in a challenge? Poor thing." She pouted, and Wyatt, playing along, rolled his eyes. "eres un malvado individuo malvado." He muttered, pointing at him.

Aiden stuck his tongue out in response. "I'm more of a musical theater guy myself, but uh, I can also spit a little something if I need to." Aiden boasted, and the whole room groaned.

"Rap is a little out of my comfort zone. If this was an indie challenge, I would've been done by now." Oleaned grumbled, throwing another crumbled up piece of paper to the side.

"Agreed. Give me some Heavy Metal or Rock, and I'm your man!" Judas replied from across the way.

"Pop over here!" London added.

"Uhh...what about some Synthwave?" Wyatt chimed in. Everyone turned to him with a funny look. With a heavy sigh, Wyatt continued on with his writing. "Nevermind. multitud de culo crítico..."

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