1x03 The Decision

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"We all pulled our weight. How the hell do we pick?" Ginger mumbled, her eyes barley open. Zeke but his lip nervously. "I mean, Tommy did get a black eye for us. It's the least we could do." Tommy nodded, wrapping an arm around Zeke and Ginger. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it." He half smiled. "Are you all sure?" He questioned. Ginger gave him an almost scorning look. "Any guy willing to wrestle for a ball for two hours has got my vote. It's all you." She confirmed. "But who are you putting in the bottom?"

Tommy looked at the group, a hardened look on his face as he locked eyes with and every one of them. "As much as I really didn't want to vote for anyone on our team, Brooklyn didn't pull any of her weight. I think it's only fair she land in the bottom this week. Other than that, I'd say let's but in London again." He chuckled. "She's gonna blow a gasket about that."

Oleander frowned. "You're not gonna put in Wyatt...are you?" He asked, though it sounded more like a plea. Tommy looked across at Wyatt. The green haired boy was currently getting evaluated for his somewhat broken nose, a defeated look on his face. Finally, he turned back to oleander.

(Confession time)

"A part of me wants to be petty, I'm not gonna lie. I mean we definitely said some things, did things, but...I don't know. He went overboard, but he's still someone I trust more than anybody else in this house, even if he doesn't like me at the moment. It's tricky to say for sure just what I want to do in this moment..." Tommy muttered, his face scrunched in thought.

(Confession over)

A few hours later, everyone went inside to clean up and prepare for tonight's elimination.

Karyn and Ginger informed the girls Brooklyn that she was nominated. Brooklyn shrugged. "Okay." She nonchalantly mutteted. Tatyana raised a brow. "You're not mad?" She asked, confused. Brooklyn played with her hair for a moment. "No...?" She asked, equally confused.

(Confession time)

"Low key, Brooklyn is starting to piss me off. You're about to go home after winning the design challenge last week. How does that not bother you? Like...make it make sense. You have enough reasons to save yourself, and you're just gonna lay there? Couldn't be me, but okay." Tatyana rolled her eyes.

(Confession over)

Wyatt began packing in the room, leaving a distraught Oleander to his thoughts. "Do you really think you could go home tonight, Wy?" Oleander sighed sadly. The green haired boy shrugged. "I don't know, Ollie. Tommy could do it. He definitely has his reasons. It's just a really shitty way to end things though. I don't want anyone watching to think I'm this huge asshole, you know? That's not my character at all. But, it is what it is. I'm a big boy. I'll just go back to working at the circus." He explained, his voice wavering a bit. Oleander sniffled, watching from the corner of his eye as Tommy made his way downstairs.

"He's ready." Oleander spoke.

Everyone made their way downstairs as Tommy looked surprisingly spiffy for once. A few people jokingly whistled and catcalled in response.

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"Yeah, yeah you can shut up now." He joked, pulling his brown hair into a very loose ponytail. "But, uh, this has been kind of a hard day. And not just for me, for everybody. Every single person killed it today. It was...fucking frustrating having to send anyone home this week, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. My first nominee was Brooklyn. As he says this, Brooklyn pulls off her robe to reveal a gorgeous red latex ensemble.

"Cool." She chuckled. Tatyana rolled her eyes yet again.

"The next nominee was going to be London, but as much as that would've been funny, I couldn't do it. She honestly kicked ass out there. So on that note, I nominated Judas." He explained. Judas nodded understandingly.

Then, he took a deep breath. "This last one was...an interesting one. I thought about this long and hard. There was SO much that I wanted to do and say once I got this power that it almost made me regret wanting it in the first place. I know everyone probably knows what's about to happen..." He pauses. Wyatt pulls his suitcase closer to his chest, closing his eyes as tears began to fall.

"...But that's not the kind of person I am. I chose Amber. But only because I needed a third slot." He adds on. Amber, though slightly agitated, nods. Wyatt opens his eyes in slight shock.

"One person here didn't pull their weight tonight. And as smart as it would be to send a strong competitor home, it wouldn't be fair. So with that said, the person I'm gonna send home...is....








"......Brooklyn." Tommy finishes with a sigh. Brooklyn jumps off the stage, and grabs her things. She seems pretty calm about the whole thing. Almost like she really didn't care.

"Totally didn't see that coming." She remarks sarcastically. "You seriously don't even care, do you?" Tatyana finally speaks up from her seat. Brooklyn looks around tauntingly. "No, not really." She laughs. "Like honestly, I went further than I thought I was going to, so whatever."

She didn't even really give a proper send off. No hugs. No goodbyes. Nothing.

As everyone prepared to call it a night, Wyatt and Tommy brushed past each other. "Hey." Wyatt called out. Tommy turned to him and nodded yet again. "Hey." He repeated. "Thanks for, uh, not sending me home." Wyatt nervously spoke. Tommy shook his head. "No problem. It's the least I could do after...you know." The brunette said. There was a pause.

"Have a good night, bud." Tommy yawned, collapsing on to the couch. Wyatt smiled wistfully. "Thanks. You too, man."

And with that note, the night was once again over.

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