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"Can I be honest? I'm a little surprised you got sent home, girl." Brooklyn spoke as Karyn sat down, disappointed. Karyn nonchalantly shrugged. "Well, they got me." She frowned. "I expected Zeke to make it longer though."

Zeke  raised his brow in agreement. "Uhh, yeah. Honestly I can agree there, I definitely think my time was cut a little too short. It sucks, but what can you do?" There was a slight hint of frustration there, but not enough to detect immediately.

Ryder seemed wayyy calmer than usual, which was shocking. "You know, sometimes it's just not your day, you know? Like it sucks none of us are top 8, but I'm proud of the top 8 regardless, you know?" He replied, making everyone turn in confusion. "Are you high?" Zeke laughed. Ryder laughed before responding. "Just thankful for the opportunity honestly. Rewatching the show, I kinda feel shitty for how I treated people. That's not who I am, dude. I'd hate for people to think that."

"I respect that." Sayera added. "Not a lot of people can admit that on reality television."

"Speaking of television," Karyn mischievously smirked. "I heard today's challenge is a commercial one. I'm kinda mad. I most definitely would've ate."

Everyone agreed immediately to that.

"Well I just hope they're funny. I'm kinda surprised to see London, Amber, and Judas' in particular. I can assume it's going to be a bitchy one. I won't be mad if they prove me wrong though." Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

"Welp, they're starting! Let's see how it goes." Ryder excitedly announced.

The first commercial was Oleander, Wyatt, and Tommy's. It starts with this loud punk music, followed with Wyatt showing up on his skateboard. He talks in an overexaggerated surfer speak, directing the commercial straight to the audience. Tommy and Oleander immediately jump on screen, with Oleander playing a dad and Tommy being the rebellious teenager. The three of them are all dressed in 90s esque clothing.

(Tommy's Outfit)

(Tommy's Outfit)

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