1x03: Capture The Flag

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The next morning starts a bit rough than usual. The girls seem to be having some conflict about their choice. "Do you think we should've chose Amber? Honestly I feel kinda stupid." Ginger muttered, watching as Brooklyn sat in deep thought. "I...I don't know. Maybe? Who would you have picked?" Ginger frowned. Karyn picked at her nails, taking into account the events that happened. "Maybe Ryder? He definitely handled it a LOT better than I thought he would've. Maybe we misjudged him, and that fucking sucks if we did." Karyn sighed. Tatyana nodded. "Yeah, I agree. But Amber and London are beyond shook at the moment, so maybe this experience humbled them or something."

Across the hall, Oleander sat up, a wistful look on his face. "Kinda miss Tommy being here. He used to wake up early to talk to me about stuff. Now I'm just up with insomnia staring at a wall." He huffed, falling lazily onto his bed. Zeke chuckled. "Dude, I get it, Tommy was cool and all, but he did try to send Wyatt home. It would be pretty awkward staying in the same room with someone I tried to send home." Zeke explained. Oleander groaned. "True. Still, Wyatt and Tommy are gonna have to make up eventually...right?"

Zeke shrugged. "Not up to me." He started nonchalantly.

The intercom cracked again, and as the voice began to speak, Zeke rolled his eyes.

"Now I don't know about you, but I'm sensing a LOT of tension recently. And what better way to channel that into something fun, something positive! Something like...a good ole game of capture the flag!" The voice cackled.

Oleander swallowed hard. "Oh fuck."

"And to make it even more interesting. Wyatt, Tommy, If you're hearing this, then congrats! You two are gonna be captains! Can't wait to see how this turns out." The voice ends with a menacing chuckle.

Oleander and Zeke looked at each other with a worrying glance. "Holy shit." Zeke said trying to contain his smirk. "It's about to be a bloodbath."

The others casually made their way down stairs as word quickly got around. Tommy sat, blank faced, with a drink in his hand. Judas sat down next to him. "Hey, how are you feeling about this challenge?" He asked with a nudge to the rib. Tommy took a sip and shrugged. "It's the challenge, you know? Not much I can do about it." He numbly replied.

As the others settled down, Oleander, Zeke, and Wyatt made their way downstairs. The room went silent. Wyatt's eyes immediately landed on Tommy, who peeked at him above his cup. There was a moment of silence before Wyatt came down the final step and cracked his knuckles.

"Alright, let's get it." He smirked.

Karyn stared between the two with an anticipating grin.

Tommy nodded, got up, and made his way outside along with the others.

From outside, the yard was now designed with huge goals and two color coded piles of shirts: bronze and black with gold.

From outside, the yard was now designed with huge goals and two color coded piles of shirts: bronze and black with gold

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"I call gold!" Amber yelled out, running over and immediately grabbing a gold Jacket

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"I call gold!" Amber yelled out, running over and immediately grabbing a gold Jacket. Wyatt chuckled, strolling over to pick one up as well. "You heard the lady, gold team is open for business." He waved over. Judas and London (obviously) aligned with him, wrapping an arm around London's waist.

(Confessional Time)
"So London, Amber, and I have decided to create a permanent alliance since last night. JudAmLo. Kinda clunky, but I like it. Judas, Amber, and London; It's JudAmLo!" Judas explained with his signature stoner chuckle.

(Confessional Switch)
"Having the triplets from hell on my team is...not exactly what I would have wanted. Kinda sucks that Oleander and Zeke haven't really chosen yet, but whatever. Could be worse I guess?" The green haired boy shrugged. "I just pray they actually get shit done."

(Confession switch)
"I just KNOW that Ryder is at home punching the air right now because we're having a challenge he would literally slaughter. My god, is it too late to bring him back?" Karyn laughed.

(Confession over)

Tatyana walked over to Wyatt's team and gave him a high five. "Dude, look at us. We got this in the bag." She whispered to wyatt who nodded. "You sure?" He added, glancing at the trio. Tatyana scoffed. "Good point. But they're gonna try to get into our good graces, which means they're gonna try twice as hard to impress you. Trust me." She explained.

Ginger, Brooklyn, and Karyn went over to Tommy's side, picking up a bronze jersey. "Sorry sis, but my money is on Tom." Karyn announced as Tatyana laughed. "I'll keep that in mind!" Tatyana fired back playfully. Ginger smiled in return as well. Zeke looked between the two has a hopeful Wyatt offered him a gold jersey. Oleander stood in the middle, wide eyed. Zeke was the first to respond. "Sorry Wyatt, I gotta back up Tommy. No hard feelings dude!" He called out. A hurt look flashed on his face, but he nodded. "What about you, Oleander? It's kinda your color."

Oleander nervously looked between the two. His body froze, and his feet turned from one team to another. As he raised another foot, Wyatt lowered his jersey. "Hey, no worries man! They're definitely gonna need the extra help anyways. They're gonna need a strategist like you." Wyatt smiled, his face softening. Oleander smiled back, and ran over to Tommy's side. The teams were set.

"Hey, Tommy." Wyatt called out. Tommy turned, surprised. "Yeah?" He asked hesistantly. Wyatt assumed postition, ball in hand.

"Good luck."

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